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Flower 1 "Hana"
Copyright © 1997-2016 Ted Taamchai

Spring These flowers are seen anywhere, at home gardens, in parks, at roads, in farms, in mountains etc. in each season in Japan.
The flower names are also shown in Japanese. If Japanese language and fonts are not installed in your computer, it may be changed not to recognize.

Flowers in Spring/March - May. (1-3)

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Family at this page:
Araceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Cupressaceae, Lamiaceae (Labiatae), Papaveraceae, Primulaceae, Punicaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Thymelaeaceae, Violaceae

Corn Poppy "Hina-Geshi":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Papaver rhoeas/ Papaveraceae
Language of Flower: Comfort, Consolation
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヒナゲシ(雛芥子)、グビジンソウ(虞美人草)/ケシ科ケシ属
Hina-Geshi Hina-Geshi Hina-Geshi
 Photo:May 11, 2006(Left, Center, Right).

Iceland Poppy "Aisurando-Popi":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Papaver nudicaule/ Papaveraceae
Language of Flower: Wild fancy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アイスランド・ポピー/ケシ科ケシ属
Iceland Poppy Iceland Poppy Iceland Poppy
 Photo:May 4, 2006(Left, Center), May 1, 2006(Right).
Iceland Poppy
 Photo:May 16, 2007.

Field Poppy "Nagami-Hinageshi":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Papaver dubium/ Papaveraceae
Language of Flower: Wild fancy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ナガミヒナゲシ(長実雛芥子)/ケシ科ケシ属
Nagami-Hinageshi Nagami-Hinageshi
 Photo:April 30, 2006(Left), April 26, 2006(Right).
 Photo:May 3, 2007.

Murasakikeman "Murasaki-Keman":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Corydalis incisa/ Papaveraceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ムラサキケマン(紫華鬘)/ケシ科キケマン属
Murasaki-Keman Murasaki-Keman Murasaki-Keman
 Photo:April 3, 2006(Left, Center), April 10, 2007(Right).

Celandine, Greater Calandine "Kusa-no-Ou":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Chelidonium majus var. asiaticum/ Papaveraceae
Language of Flower: Memory
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :クサノオウ(草の黄、瘡の王)/ケシ科クサノオウ属
Kusa-no-Ou Kusa-no-Ou Kusa-no-Ou
 Photo:May 12, 2006(Left, Center), April 18, 2007(Right).

Persian Speedwell, Common Field-Speedwell, Bird's Eye "Ooinu-no-Fuguri":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Veronica persica/ Scrophulariaceae
Chinese Name : 波斯婆婆納/ bo1si1po2po0na4
Language of Flower: Trust, Pure, Good Faith
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オオイヌノフグリ(大犬の陰嚢)/オオバコ科(旧ゴマノハグサ科)クワガタソウ属
Ooinu-no-Fuguri Ooinu-no-Fuguri
 Photo:April 3, 2006(Left, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month
 Photo:May 4, 2008.

Corn Speedwell "Tachi-Inu-no-Fuguri":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Veronica arvensis/ Scrophulariaceae
Language of Flower: Reliance, Secerity of Woman
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :タチイヌノフグリ(立犬の陰嚢)/オオバコ科(旧ゴマノハグサ科)クワガタソウ属
Tachi-Inu-no-Fuguri Tachi-Inu-no-Fuguri Tachi-Inu-no-Fuguri
 Photo:May 4, 2008(Left-Right).
 Photo:May 4, 2008.

Canada Toadflax, Blue Toadflax "Matsuba-Unran":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Linaria canadensis/ Papaveraceae
Chinese Name : 藍柳穿魚/ lan2liu3chuan1yu2
Language of Flower: Joy, Brilliance
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :マツバウンラン(松葉海蘭)/オオバコ科(旧ゴマノハグサ科)ウンラン属
Matsuba-Unran Matsuba-Unran Matsuba-Unran
 Photo:May 4, 2007(Left-Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month

Primrose "Sakurasou":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Primula sieboldii/ Primulaceae
Language of Flower: Youth, Hope
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :サクラソウ(桜草)/サクラソウ科サクラソウ属
Sakurasou Sakurasou Sakurasou
 Photo:February 28, 2007(Left, Center), March 2, 2007(Right).
Sakurasou Sakurasou
 Photo:February 28, 2007(Left, Right).

Primula Juliana "Purimura-Juriana":December-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Primula juliana hybrid/ Primulaceae
Language of Flower: Joy and Sadness of Youth
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :プリムラ・ジュリアン/サクラソウ科サクラソウ属
Primula-Juriana Primula-Juriana
 Photo:April 13, 2007(Left, Right).
Primula-Juriana Primula-Juriana
 Photo:April 13, 2007(Left, Right).

Pomegranate "Zakuro":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Punica granatum/ Punicaceae
Chines Name : 石榴/ shi2liu2
Language of Flower: Beuty of mellowness, Guard of descendants
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ザクロ(石榴、柘榴)/ミソハギ科ザクロ属
Zakuro Zakuro
 Photo:May 29, 2006(Left, Right).
Zakuro Zakuro
 Photo:July 16, 2007(Left, Right).

Cobra Lily Urashima, Cobra Lily "Urashimasou":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Arisaema urashima/ Araceae
Language of Flower: Passed Days
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ウラシマソウ(浦島草)/サトイモ科テンナンショウ属
Urashimasou Urashimasou
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
Urashimasou Urashimasou
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 6, 2007.

Snow Rice-Cake Plant, The Jack-in-the-Pulpit "Yukimochisou":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Arisaema sikokianum/ Araceae
Language of Flower: Power in the Suffering
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ユキモチソウ(雪餅草)/サトイモ科テンナンショウ属
Yukimochisou Yukimochisou
 Photo:April 26, 2007(Left, Right).

Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Japanese Cobra Lily, Japanese Arisaema "Mamushigusa":April-JUne,
Botanical Name/ Family : Arisaema serratum/ Araceae
Chinese Name : 齒葉東北南星/ chi3ye4dong1bei3nan2xing1,細齒天南星/ xi4chi3tian1nan2xing1
Language of Flower: Magnificence, Magnificent Beuty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :マムシグサ(蝮草)、カントウマムシグサ(関東蝮草),ムラサキマムシグサ(紫蝮草)/サトイモ科テンナンショウ属
Mamushigusa Mamushigusa Mamushigusa
 Photo:May 9, 2009(Left - Right).
Mamushigusa Mamushigusa Mamushigusa
 Photo:May 9, 2009(Left - Right).
 Photo:May 9, 2009.

Calla, Calla Lilly "Kara":April -August,
Botanical Name/ Family : Zantedeschia aethiopica/ Araceae
Chinese Name : 慈茹花/ ci2ru2hua1, 馬蹄蓮/ ma3ti2lian2
Language of Flower: Lovely beaty, Purity, Modesty lke girl
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カラー、オランダカイウ(阿蘭陀又は和蘭海芋)/サトイモ科オランダカイウ属
Calla Calla
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month

Japanese Star Anise "Shikimi":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Illicium anisatum/ Illiciaceae
Language of Flower: Deadly Poison
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シキミ(樒)、ハナノキ(花の木)/シキミ科シキミ属(以前はモクレン科に分類された)
Shikimi Shikimi Shikimi
 Photo:March 30, 2008(Left, Center), March 21, 2007(Right).
 Photo:March 30, 2008.

White Deadnettle "Odorikosou":April-June,
Botanical Name : Lamium album var. barbatum/ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Language of Flower: Joy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オドリコソウ(踊子草)/シソ科オドリコソウ属
Odorikosou Odorikosou Odorikosou
 Photo:April 23, 2006(Left, Center, Right).
 Photo:May 2, 2007.

Henbit Dead-nettle "Hotoke-no-Za":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lamium amplexicaule L./ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Chinese Name : 宝蓋草/ baoge cao 33 3
Language of Flower: Harmony
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ホトケノザ(仏の座) /シソ科オドリコソウ属
Hotoke-no-Za Hotoke-no-Za
 Photo:March 11, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month(1)
arrow Flower of the Month(2)
arrow Flower of the Month(3)
 Photo:October 22, 2006.

Purple Deadnettle, Purple Archangel "Hime-Odoriko-Sou":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lamium purpureum/ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Chinese Name : -
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヒメオドリコソウ(姫踊子草)/シソ科オドリコソウ属
Hime-Odoriko-Sou Hime-Odoriko-Sou Hime-Odoriko-Sou
 Photo:April 4,2006(Left, Center), March 7,2007(Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
arrow Flower of the Month

Ground Ivy "Kakidoushi":April-May,
Botanical Name : Glechoma hederacea var.grandis/ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Chinese Name : 金錢薄荷/ jin1qian2bo4he2, 連錢草/ lian2qian2cao3 、活血丹/ huo2xie3dan1、金錢草/ jin1qian2cao3
Language of Flower: Joy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カキドウシ(垣通し、疳取草)/シソ科カキドオシ属
Kakidoushi Kakidoushi
 Photo:April 20, 2006(Left, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month

Ajuga, Carpet Bugle "Junihitoe":April-May,
Botanical Name : Ajuga nipponensis/ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Language of Flower: Strong Connection
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ジュウニヒトエ(十二単)/シソ科キランソウ属
Junihitoe Junihitoe Junihitoe
 Photo:April 21, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
 Photo:April 21, 2007.

Ajuga, Carpet Bugle "Seiyo-Junihitoe":April-May,
Botanical Name : Ajuga reptans L. / Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Language of Flower: Unacceptable Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :セイヨウ・ジュウニヒトエ(西洋十二単)、アジュガ、セイヨウキランソウ(西洋金瘡小草)/シソ科キランソウ属
Seiyou-Junihitoe Seiyou-Junihitoe
 Photo:April 26, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 26, 2007.

Yama-Tatsunamisou "Yama-Tatsunamisou":May-June,
Botanical Name : Scutellaria pekinensis var. transitra/ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤマタツナミソウ(山立波草)/シソ科タツナミソウ属
Yama-Tatsunamisou Yama-Tatsunamisou Yama-Tatsunamisou
 Photo:June 6, 2007(Left, Center, Right).

Rosemary "Rouzu-mari, Mannenrou":Spring-Summer,
Botanical Name : Rosmarinus officinalis L./ Lamiaceae (Labiatae)
Language of Flower: Memory
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ローズマリー、マンネンロウ(迷迭香)/シソ科ロスマリヌス属
Rosemary Rosemary
 Photo:April 11, 2006(Left, Right).

Chinese Redbud "Hana-Zuo":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cercis chinensis/ Caesalpiniaceae
Language of Flower: Happy Life, Noble, Faithlessness
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハナズオウ(花蘇芳)/ジャケツイバラ科ハナズオウ属
Hana-Zuou Hana-Zuou Hana-Zuou
 Photo:April 17, 2006(Left, Center), April 21, 2006(Right).
Hana-Zuou Hana-Zuou
 Photo:July 22, 2006(Left, Right).

Paper Bush, Oriental Paperbush "Mitsumata":March-April,
Botanical Name : Edgeworthia chrysantha/ Thymelaeaceae
Language of Flower: Healthfulness
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ミツマタ(三椏、三枝、三又)/ジンチョウゲ科ミツマタ属
Mitsuma Mitsuma Mitsuma
 Photo:February 8, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
 Photo:February 13, 2007.
Mitsuma Mitsuma
 Photo:December 21, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Honeysuckle "Suikazura, Nindou":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lonicera japonica/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Deep bond of love, friendship, self-sacrificing love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :スイカズラ(吸葛)、ニンドウ(忍冬)/スイカズラ科スイカズラ属
Suikazura, Nindou Suikazura, Nindou
 Photo:May 25, 2005(Left, Right).

Sweetberry Honeysuckle "Yama-Uguisukagura":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lonicera gracilipes Miq. var. glabra Miq/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Look at the Future
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤマウグイスカグラ(山鶯神楽)/スイカズラ科スイカズラ属
Yama-Uguisukagura Yama-Uguisukagura
 Photo:April 20, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 20, 2007.

Linden Arrowwood, Linden Viburnum "Gamazumi":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viburnum dilatatum/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Combination
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ガマズミ(鎌酸実、莢迷)、ヨソゾメ、ヨツズミ/スイカズラ科ガマズミ属
Gamazumi Gamazumi
 Photo:Tokyo, May 15, 2008(Left, Right).
 Photo:Tokyo, May 15, 2008.

Doublefile viburnum, Japanese Snowball, Summer Snowflake "Oodemari":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viburnum plicatum f. plicatum/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Keeping Promise, Mind of a Child
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オオデマリ(大手鞠)、ケマリバナ(毛鞠花)/スイカズラ科ガマズミ属
Ootemari Ootemari
 Photo:May 5, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Snowball Bush 'Summer Snowflake', Doublefile viburnum "Yabudemari":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viburnum plicatum var. tomentosum / Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤブデマリ(藪手鞠)/スイカズラ科ガマズミ属
 Photo:May 21, 2005.

Japanese Red Elder, Elderberry, Black Elder "Niwatoko":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Sambucus sieboldiana/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Enthusiasm
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ニワトコ(庭常、接骨木)/スイカズラ科ニワトコ属
Niwatoko Niwatoko
 Photo:April 11, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 6, 2007.
 Photo:May 1, 2007.

- "Hakone-Utsugi":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Weigela coraeensis/ Caprifoliaceae
Language of Flower: Fickle
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハコネウツギ(箱根空木)/スイカズラ科タニウツギ属
Hakone-Utsugi Hakone-Utsugi
 Photo:May 21, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Cedar "Sugi":December-April,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cryptomeria japonica/ Cupressaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :スギ(杉)/スギ科スギ属
Sugi Sugi
 Photo:April 20, 1998(Right), January 5, 2001(Left).
 Cedar causes hay fever in April.
arrow Japanese Cedar "Sugi"-Winter

Japanese Violet "Sumire":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viola mandshurica/ Violaceae
Language of Flower: Faithfulness, Reliability
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :スミレ(菫)/スミレ科スミレ属
Sumire Sumire
 Photo:April 28, 2008(Left, Right).
Sumire Sumire
 Photo:April 28, 2008(Left, Right).

Cyclamen Leaved Violet, Violet "Tachitsubo-Sumire":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viola grypoceras/ Violaceae
Language of Flower: Small Hapiness, Secret Love, Sincerity
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :タチツボスミレ(立坪菫)/スミレ科スミレ属
Tachitsubo-Sumire Tachitsubo-Sumire
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left, Right).

Violet "Maruba-Sumire":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viola keiskei/ Violaceae
Language of Flower: Small Hapiness, Secret Love, Sincerity
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :マルバスミレ(円葉菫)/スミレ科スミレ属
Maruba-Sumire Maruba-Sumire
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left, Right).

Pansy "Sanshoku-Sumire":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Viola x wittrockiana Gams(Viola tricolor)/ Violaceae
Language of Flower: Faithfulness, Reliability
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ビオラ(ヴィオラ)、サンシキスミレ(三色菫)、サンショクスミレ(三色菫)/スミレ科スミレ属
Sumire Sumire

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Note:The flowering season of the flowers and the language of the flowers
are mainly based on "No-no-Hana.Machi-no-Hana"(Koudansha).

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