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Flower 1 "Hana"
Copyright © 1997-2015 Ted Taamchai

Spring These flowers are seen anywhere, at home gardens, in parks, at roads, in farms, in mountains etc. in each season in Japan.
The flower names are also shown in Japanese. If Japanese language and fonts are not installed in your computer, it may be changed not to recognize.

Flowers in Spring/March - May. (1-7)

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Family at this page:
Arecaceae, Liliaceae, Myricaceae, Orchidaceae, Salicaceae, Saxifragaceae

Palm, Windmill Palm "Shuro":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trachycarpus fortunei/ Arecaceae
Language of Flower: Victory
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シュロ(棕櫚)、ワジュロ(和棕櫚)/ヤシ科シュロ属
Shuro Shuro Shuro
 Photo:May 4, 2007(Left, Center, 2007(Right).
 Photo:May 16, 2007.

Miniature Chusan Palm, Wagner's Windmill Palm, Waggie "Tou-Juro":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trachycarpus wagnerianus/ Arecaceae
Language of Flower: Victory
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :トウジュロ(唐棕櫚)/ヤシ科シュロ属
Tou-Juro Tou-Juro Tou-Juro
 Photo:May 18, 2007(Left, Center, 2007(Right).

Japanese Willow "Bakko-Yanagi":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Salix bakko/ Salicaceae
Language of Flower: Freedom
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :バッコヤナギ(婆っこ柳)、ヤマネコヤナギ(山猫柳)/ヤナギ科ヤナギ属
Bakko-Yanagi Bakko-Yanagi Bakko-Yanagi
 Photo:February 8, 2007(Left, Center), February 20, 2007(Right).
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Bakko-Yanagi Bakko-Yanagi
 Photo:June 18, 2007(Left, Right).

Rosegold Pussy Willow "Neko-Yanagi":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Salix gracilistyla/ Salicaceae
Language of Flower: Freedom
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ネコヤナギ(猫柳)、エノコロヤナギ(狗尾柳)、カワヤナギ(川柳)/ヤナギ科ヤナギ属

Wax Myrtle, Bayberry "Yamamomo":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Myrica rubra/ Myricaceae
Chinese Name : :楊梅/ yang2mei2
Language of Flower: Lesson
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤマモモ(山桃)、ヨウバイ(楊梅)/ヤマモモ科ヤマモモ属
Yamamomo Yamamomo Yamamomo
 Photo:April 10, 2007(Left,Center,Right).
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Yamamomo Yamamomo
 Photo:May 16, 2007(Left), June 20, 2007(Right).

Deutzia, Slender Deutzia, Crenate Deutzia "Utsugi":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Deutzia crenata/ Saxifragaceae
Language of Flower: Old style, Elegance, Secret
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ウツギ(空木)、ウノハナ(卯の花)/ユキノシタ科ウツギ属
Utsugi Utsugi
 Photo:May 20, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:May 23, 2007.
Utsugi Utsugi
 Photo:June 26, 2007(Left, Right).

Himalayan creeping saxifrage "Himaraya-Yukinoshita":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Bergenia stracheyi/ Saxifragaceae
Language of Flower: Obedience, Patience
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヒマラヤユキノシタ(ヒマラヤ雪の下)/ユキノシタ科ベルゲニア属
Himaraya-Yukinoshita Himaraya-Yukinoshita
 Photo:April 23, 2006(Left, Right).

Golden Saxifrage "Yama-Neko-no-Mesou":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Chrysosplenium japonicum/ Saxifragaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤマネコノメソウ(山猫の目草)/ユキノシタ科ネコノメソウ属
Yamaneko-no-Mesou Yamaneko-no-Mesou
 Photo:March 23, 2007(Left, Right).
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Yamaneko-no-Mesou Yamaneko-no-Mesou
 Photo:March 23, 2007(Left, Right).

Beefsteak Geranium, Strawberry Geranium "Yukinoshita":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Saxifraga stolonifera/ Saxifragaceae
Language of Flower: Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ユキノシタ(雪の下)/ユキノシタ科ユキノシタ属
Yukinoshita Yukinoshita Yukinoshita
 Photo:May 26, 2006(Left, Center), June 8, 2006(Right).

Tulip "Churippu":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Tulipa gesneriana/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Philanthropy, Fame
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :チューリップ/ユリ科チューリップ属
Tulip Tulip Tulip
 Photo:April 25, 1999(Left), April 4, 2006(Center, Right).
Tulip Tulip
 Photo:April 6, 2006(Left), April 27, 2007(Right).

Grape Hyacinth, Muscari "Musukari":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Muscari botryoides/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Disappointment, Broken Heart
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ルリムスカリ、ムスカリ/ユリ科ムスカリ属
Musukari Musukari
 Photo:April 8, 2006(Left, Right).

Dogtooth Violet "Katakuri":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Erythronium japonicum/ Liliaceae
Chinese Name : 日本豬牙/ ri4ben3zhu1ya2
Language of Flower: First Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カタクリ(片栗)/ユリ科カタクリ属
Katakuri Katakuri Katakuri
 Photo:March 22, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
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Star-of-Bethlehem, Grass Lily, Sleepydick, Snowdrop, Summer Snowflake, Starflower "Oo-Amana":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ornithogalum umbellatum/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Purity, Innocent Temptation
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オオアマナ(大甘菜)、オーニソガラム・バランサエ、ベツレヘムノホシ(ベツレヘムの星)/ユリ科オオアマナ属(オーニソガラム属)
Oo-Amana Oo-Amana Oo-Amana
 Photo:Kawamura Museum, Sakura, Chiba
 April 29, 2008(Left, Center, Right).
 Photo:Photo:Kawamura Museum, Sakura, Chiba
 April 28, 2008.
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Spring Star-Flower "Hananira":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ipheion uniforum/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Sad Parting
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハナニラ(花韮)、セイヨウアマナ(西洋甘菜)/ユリ科ハナニラ属
Hananira Hananira
 Photo:April 4, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:February 28, 2007.

Cuban Lily, Peruvian Lily "Shira-Berubiana":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Scilla peruviana/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Lonely
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シラー・ベルビアナ、オオツルボ ( 大蔓穂 )/ユリ科シラー属
Schilaa Schilla
 Photo:May 16, 2006(Left, Right).
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Hyacinth "Hiashinsu":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Hyacinthus orientalis/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Play, Sport, (Pink)-Pretty, (White)-Silent Love, (Red)-Jelousy, (Violet)-Siriousness of First Love, (Yellow)-Game, Happy with you
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヒアシンス、ヒヤシンス、ニシキユリ(錦百合)/ユリ科ヒアシンス属
Hyacinth Hyacinth
 Photo:March 5, 2007(Left, Right).

Scallion, Onion "Negi":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Allium fistulosum/ Liliaceae, Allioideae
Language of Flower: Pure Mind
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ネギ(葱)、ネギボウズ(葱坊主)/ユリ科ネギ属、ネギ科ネギ属
Negi Negi
 Photo:May 4, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Fairy Bells "Houchakusou":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Disporum sessile/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: First Love, Modesty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ホウチャクソウ(宝鐸草)/ユリ科チゴユリ属
Houchakusou Houchakusou
 Photo:April 29, 2006(Left, Right).

Solomon's Seal "Amadokoro":April-May(June),
Botanical Name/ Family : Polygonatum odoratum/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: A man who can understand the pain in heart, Cheer up!
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アマドコロ(甘野老)/ユリ科アマドコロ属
Amadokoro Amadokoro
 Photo:May 3, 2006(Left, Right).

Lily of the Valley "Doitsu-Suzuran":March-May(June),
Botanical Name/ Family : Convalaria majalis/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Purity, Delicacy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ドイツスズラン(ドイツ鈴蘭)/ユリ科スズラン属
Doitsu-Suzuran Doitsu-Suzuran
 Photo:May 6, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Summer Snow Flake "Sunou-Fureku, Suzuran-Suisen, Ou-Machi-Yuki-Sou"-April

Dwarf Solomon's Seal, Naruko-Yuri "Naruko-Yuri":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Polygonatum falcatum/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ナルコユリ(なるこ百合)/ユリ科ナルコユリ属
Naruko-Yuri Naruko-Yuri
 Photo:June 5, 2006(Left, Right).

Sarsaparilla "Sarutori-Ibara":April - May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Smilax china/ Liliaceae
Language of Flower: Persistent Spirit
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :サルトリイバラ(猿捕り茨)、サンキライ(山帰来)/ユリ科シオン属
Sarutori-Ibara Sarutori-Ibara Sarutori-Ibara
 Photo:April 21, 2007(Left, Center, Rght).

Sarutori-Ibara Sarutori-Ibara
 Photo:April 21, 2007(Left, Rght).

Japanese Native Orchid "Kin-Ran":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cephalanthera falcata/ Orchidaceae
Chinese Name : 金蘭/ jin1lan2
Language of Flower: Colourful Beuty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キンラン(金蘭)/ラン科キンラン属
Kin-Ran Kin-Ran Kin-Ran
 Photo:May 2, 2009(Left - Right).

Riverstream Orchid, Hardy Cynbidium Orchid "Shun-Ran":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cymbidium goeringii/ Orchidaceae
Language of Flower: Gentle Heart
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シュンラン(春蘭)、ホクロ(黒子)/ラン科シュンラン属
 Photo:September 9, 2006.

Kumagaisou "Kumagaisou":April - May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cypripedium japonicum/ Orchidaceae
Language of Flower: Speciosity, Capricious Beuty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :クマガイソウ(熊谷草)、ホロカケソウ(母衣掛け草)/ラン科アツモリソウ属
Kumagaisou Kumagaisou
 Photo:April 26, 2007(Left, Rght).

Kumagaisou Kumagaisou
 Photo:April 30, 2015(Left, Rght).

Hardy Orchid, Hardy Ground Orchid "Ebine":April - May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Calanthe discolor/ Orchidaceae
Language of Flower: Faithfulness
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :エビネ(海老根、蝦根)/ラン科エビネ属
Ebine Ebine
 Photo:April 18, 2007(Left, Rght).
 Photo:April 26, 2007.

Hardy Orchid, Hardy Ground Orchid "Ki-Ebine":April - May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Calanthe sieboldii/ Orchidaceae
Language of Flower: Faithfulness
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キエビネ(黄海老根)/ラン科エビネ属
Ki-Ebine Ki-Ebine
 Photo:April 26, 2007(Left, Rght).

Hardy Chinese Orchid, Ground Orchid, Hardy Orchid "Shiran":April - May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Bletilla striata/ Orchidaceae
Language of Flower: I will not forget you.
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シラン(紫蘭)、ベニラン(紅蘭)/ラン科シラン属
Shiran Shiran Shiran
 Photo:May 15, 2008(Left - Rght).
 Photo:May 18, 2008.

- "Fude-Rindou":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Gentiane zollingeri/ Gentianaceae
Chinese Name : 筆竜胆/ bin3long2dan3
Language of Flower: True Love, Justice, Noble
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :フデリンドウ(筆龍胆)/リンドウ科リンドウ属
Rindou Rindou Rindou
 Photo:April 26, 2016(Left, Right).
Rindou Rindou Rindou
 Photo:April 26, 2016(Left, Right).
Rindou Rindou
 Photo:April 26, 2016(Left, Right).

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Note:The flowering season of the flowers and the language of the flowers
are mainly based on "No-no-Hana.Machi-no-Hana"(Koudansha).

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