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Flower 4 "Hana"
Copyright © 1997-2008 Ted Taamchai

Autumn These flowers are seen anywhere, at home gardens, in parks, at roads, in farms, in mountains etc. in each season in Japan.
The flower names are also shown in Japanese. If Japanese language and fonts are not installed in your computer, it may be changed not to recognize.

Flowers in Winter/December - February(4-1).

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Family at this page:
Aloaceae, Araliaceae, Brassicaceae, Calycanthaceae, Chloranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Hamamelidaceae, Magnoliaceae, Myrsinaceae, Poaceae, Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae, Theaceae, Thymelaeaceae

Camellia "Tsubaki":December-April,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Camellia japonica/ Theaceae
Language of Flower: Ideal love, Modesty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ツバキ(椿)/ツバキ科ツバキ属
Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia
 Photo:in the Morning on December 12, 2002(Left, Center, Right).
Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia
 Photo:April 12, 2001(Left, Center), April 1, 2006(Right).
Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia
 Photo:April 2, 2001(Left), March 21, 2006(Center), Msrch 25, 2006(Right).
Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia
 Photo:April 2, 2001(Left, Center, Right).
Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia Tsubaki/Camellia
 Photo:April 2, 2001(Left), April 12, 2003(Center, Right).

 Photo:March 2, 2007.

Camellia, Kantsubaki "Kan-Tsubaki":December-February,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Camellia sasanqua cv (Camellia X hiemalis Nakai cvs.)/ Theaceae
Language of Flower: Modesty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カンツバキ(寒椿)/ツバキ科ツバキ属
Kan-Tsubaki Kan-Tsubaki
 Photo: December 16, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Sasanqua Camellia "Sazanka"-Autumn
 Photo: December 16, 2006.

- "Hama-Hisakaki":October-February,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Eurya emarginata/ Theaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハマヒサカキ(浜姫榊、浜枌)、イソサカキ、イソヒサカキ/ツバキ科ヒサカキ属
Hama-Hisakaki Hama-Hisakaki Hama-Hisakaki
 Photo: December 24, 2006(Left, Center, Right).
Hama-Hisakaki Hama-Hisakaki
 Photo: December 24, 2006(Left, Right).

Broccoli "Burokkori":January-March,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Brassica oleracea var. italica/ Brassicaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ブロッコリー、ミドリハナヤサイ(緑花菜)、メハナヤサイ(芽花野菜)/アブラナ科アブラナ属
Broccoli Broccoli
 Photo: January 24, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Rape Blossoms, Rapeseed "Na-no-Hana"-Spring
Broccoli Broccoli
 Photo: November 3, 2006(Left, Right).

Flowering Kale, Flowering Cabbage, Ornamental Kale "Ha-Botan":November-Feburuary,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Brassica oleracea var. acephala/ Brassicaceae
Chinese Name : 羽衣甘藍/ yu3yi1gan1lan2
Language of Flower: Profit, Affection, Blessing
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハボタン(葉牡丹)/アブラナ科アブラナ属
Ha-Botan Ha-Botan Ha-Botan
 Photo: February 15, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month
 Photo: March 2, 2007.
 Photo: April 20, 2007.

Krantz Aloe "Kidachi-Aroe":December-March,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Aloe arborescens/ Aloaceae
Language of Flower: Health, Omnipotent, Superstition
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キダチアロエ(木立ちアロエ)、キダチロカイ(木立ち蘆薈)、アロエ/アロエ科(ユリ科、ツルボラン科)アロエ属
Kidachi-Aroe Kidachi-Aroe
 Photo:March 27,2007(Left, Right).

Japanese Ivy "Kizuta":October-December,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Hedera rhombea (Miq.) Bean/ Araliaceae
Language of Flower: Friendship, Trust
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キヅタ(木蔦)、フユヅタ(冬蔦)/ウコギ科キヅタ属
Kizuta Kizuta Kizuta
 Photo:October 26, 2006(Left, Centr, Right).
Kizuta Kizuta
 Photo:November 6, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:November 26, 2006.

Japanese Aralia "Yatsude":October-December,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Fatsia japonica/ Araliaceae
Language of Flower: Discretion
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤツデ(八手)、テングノハウチワ(天狗の葉団扇)/ウコギ科ヤツデ属
Yatsude Yatsude Yatsude
 Photo:October 8, 2006(Left), October 25, 2006(Centr), October 28, 2006(Right).
arrow Flower of the Month

Yatsude Yatsude Yatsude
 Photo:October 30, 2006(Left, Centr), February 19, 2007(Right).
Yatsude Yatsude
 Photo:February 3, 2007(Left), April 13,2007(Right).

Christmas Rose, Hellebors "Kurisumasu Rouzu":December(February)-March,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Helleborus niger/ Ranunculaceae
Language of Flower: recollection, Never forget me, Comfort, Scandal
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :クリスマスローズ、ヘラボレス・ニゲル/キンポウゲ科ヘラボルス(クリスマスローズ)属
Christmas Rose Christmas Rose Christmas Rose
 Photo:January 27, 2007(Left, Center), February 26, 2007(Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
Christmas Rose Christmas Rose
 Photo:February 24, 2007(Left), March 8, 2007(Right).

Cyclamen, Persian Violet "Shikuramen":October-April,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyclamen persicum/ Primulaceae
Language of Flower: Shy, Restrained, be Suspicious
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シクラメン、カガリビバナ(篝火草)、ブタノマンジュウ(豚の饅頭)/サクラソウ科シクラメン属
Shikuramen Shikuramen Shikuramen
 Photo:October 13, 2006(Left, Center) November 6, 2006(Right).

Glabrous Sarcandra, Sarcandra "Senryou":(Fruiting)November-March,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Sarcandra glabra/ Chloranthaceae
Language of Flower: Wealth, Pretty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :センリョウ(千両)/センリョウ科センリョウ属
Senryou Senryou
 Photo:November 17, 2006(Left, Right).

arrow Glabrous Sarcandra, Sarcandra "Senryou"-Summer
arrow Coralberry, Coral Ardisia, Spiceberry "Manryou"-Winter

Winter Daphne, Fragrant Daphne "Jinchoge":February-March,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Daphne odora/ Thymelaeaceae
Language of Flower: Tender-hearted, Quiet
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ジンチョウゲ(沈丁花)/ジンチョウゲ科ジンチョウゲ属
Jinchouge Jinchouge Jinchouge
 Photo:April 7, 2006(Left, Center), March 9, 2007(Right).
Jinchouge Jinchouge
 Photo:March 9, 2007(Left, Right).
Jinchouge Jinchouge
 Photo:January 26, 2007(Left), March 4, 2007(Right).

Japanese Cedar "Sugi":December-April,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cryptomeria japonica/ Cupressaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :スギ(杉)/スギ科スギ属
Sugi Sugi
 Photo(Female):November 14, 2006(Left, Right).
 Cedar causes hay fever in April.
arrow Japanese Cedar "Sugi"-Spring
Sugi Sugi
 Photo(Male):November 16, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Spindle, Spindle Tree "Masaki":(Fruiting) November-January,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Euonymus japonicus/ Celastraceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :マサキ(柾、正木)/ニシキギ科ニシキギ属
Masaki Masaki Masaki
 Photo:January 7, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
 arrow Japanese Spindle, Spindle Tree "Masaki"-Summer

Japanese Apricot, Japanese Flowering Apricot, Ume "Ume":February-March,
Botanical Name/ Family : Prunus mume/ Rosaceae
Language of Flower: Nobility, Elegance, Endurance
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ウメ(梅)/バラ科サクラ属
Ume/Plum Ume/Plum Ume/Plum
 Photo:March 21, 2001(Left, Center), February 3, 2007(Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
arrow Flower of the Month(2)
Ume/Plum Ume/Plum
 Photo:February 3, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month(3)
 Photo:April 18, 2007.
 Photo:May 25, 2007.

Japanese Loquat,Japanese Plum, Japanese Medlar "Biwa":November-December,
Botanical Name/ Family : Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl./ Rosaceae
Language of Flower: Medical Treatment, Secret Confession
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ビワ(枇杷)/バラ科ビワ属
Biwa Biwa Biwa
 Photo:November 3, 2006(Left, Center, Right).

arrow Japanese Loquat "Biwa"-Summer
arrow Flower of the Month
Biwa Biwa
 Photo:December 16, 2006(Left, Right).

Chinese Witch Hazel "Shina-Mansaku":January-March,
Botanical Name/ Family : Hamamelis mollis/ Hamamelidaceae
Language of Flower: Flash of Inspiration
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シナマンサク(支那満作)/マンサク科マンサク属
Shina-Mansaku Shina-Mansaku
 Photo:February 20, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month

 Photo:April 18, 2007.
Shina-Mansaku Shina-Mansaku
 Photo:June 22, 2007(Left, Right).

Nandina "Nanten":December-February,
Botanical Name/ Family : Nandina domestica/ Berberidaceae
Language of Flower: Witty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ナンテン(南天)/メギ科ナンテン属
Nanten Nanten
 Photo:November 14, 2006(Left), January 5, 2001(Right).
arrow Nandina "Nanten"-Summer

Japanese Privet "Nezumimochi":(Fruiting)September-January,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ligustrum japonicum/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ネズミモチ(鼠黐)、タマツバキ(珠椿),ネズミノフン(鼠の糞),ネズミノコマクラ(鼠の小枕)/モクセイ科イボタノキ属
Nezumimochi Nezumimochi
 Photo:November 17, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Japanese Privet "Nezumimochi"-Spring

arrow (2) ネズミモチ(鼠糯)とトウネズミモチ(唐鼠黐、塔鼠黐)

Grossy Privet,Chinese Privet "Tou-Nezumimochi":(Fruiting)October-February,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ligustrum lucidum/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: Neat and clean
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :トウネズミモチ(唐鼠黐、塔鼠黐)/モクセイ科イボタノキ属
Tou-Nezumimochi Tou-Nezumimochi
Photo:November 19, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Grossy Privet,Chinese Privet "Tou-Nezumimochi"-Summer

Winter Jasmin "Oubai":February-March,
Botanical Name/ Family : Jasminum nudiflorum (=J.sieboldianum)/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: Favor
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オウバイ(黄梅)、ゲイシュンカ(迎春花)/モクセイ科ソケイ属(ヤスミヌム属)
Oubai Oubai
Photo:February 8, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Primrose Jusmin "Unnan-Oubai"-Spring
Photo:February 13, 2007.

Kobus Magnolia, Kobushi "Kobushi":February-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Magnolia kobus(Magnolia praecocissima)/ Magnoliaceae
Language of Flower: Friendship, Welcome
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :コブシ(拳、辛夷)/モクレン科モクレン属(モクレン科コブシ属)
Kobushi Kobushi
Kobushi Kobushi
Photo:March 8, 207(Left, Right).
Photo:March 30, 2008.
arrow Magnolia heptapeta, Magnolia denudata, Yulan magnolia, (Lily) Magnolia "Haku-Mokuren"-Spring(ハクモクレン(白木蓮))
Photo:February 24, 2007.
Photo:April 30, 2007.

Coralberry, Coral Ardisia, Spiceberry "Manryou":(Fruiting) November-February,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ardisia crenata/ Myrsinaceae
Language of Flower: Wealth, Poverty
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :マンリョウ(万両)/ヤブコウジ科ヤブコウジ属
 Photo:November 12, 2006.
arrow Coralberry, Coral Ardisia, Spiceberry "Manryou"-Summer
arrow Glabrous Sarcandra, Sarcandra "Senryou"-Winter
arrow Flower of the Month

Winter Sweet "Roubai":December-February,
Botanical Name/ Family : Chimonanthus praecox/ Calycanthaceae
Language of Flower: Mercy and love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ロウバイ(蝋梅)、トウバイ(唐梅),カラウメ(唐梅)/ロウバイ科ロウバイ属
Roubai Roubai
Photo:January 24, 2007(Left, Right).

Winter Sweet "Soshin-Roubai":December-February,
Botanical Name/ Family : Chimonanthus praecox f. concolor/ Calycanthaceae
Chinese Name : 素心蝋梅/ su4xin1la4mei2
Language of Flower: Mercy and love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ソシンロウバイ(素心蝋梅)/ロウバイ科ロウバイ属
Soshin-Roubai Soshin-Roubai
Photo:January 27, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of the Month
arrow Flower of the Month 2
Photo:January 26, 2008.

Bamboo Grass, Broadleaf Bamboo, Palmata Bamboo "Chimaki-Zasa":-,
Botanical Name/ Family : Sasa palmata (Bean) Nakai/ Poaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :チマキザサ(粽笹)/イネ科ササ属
Chimaki-Zasa Chimaki-Zasa
 Photo:November 25, 2006(Left, Right).

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Note:The flowering season of the flowers and the language of the flowers
are based on "No-no-Hana.Machi-no-Hana"(Koudansha).

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