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Copyright ©2007-2010 Ted Taamchai : Revised 2010.5/3

Chinese Proverbs and Idioms

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藍より青し。出藍の誉れ。A disciple sometimes outshines his master.青,取之于藍而青于藍。Qing, qu zhi yu lan er qing yu lan. /出典:「旬子・観学編」。
逢うは別れの始め。We never meet without a parting.有聚就有散。A合者離之始。離別是相見的開始。You ju jiu you san. Ge zhe li zhi shi./A白居易「和夢遊春詩」he2zhe3li2zhi1shi3。li2bie2shi4xiang1jian4de0kai1shi3。
悪貨が良貨を駆逐する。Bad money drives out good.劣幣駆逐良幣.Liebi quzhu12 liangbi./ サー・トマス・グレシャム(1519?−79)「グレシャムの法則」。
悪事千里を走る。Bad news has wings.好事不出門,坏事傳千里。Haoshi buchumen, huaishi zhuang qianli./ 孫光憲『北夢瑣言』。
朝起きは三文の徳。早起きは三文の得。The early bird catches the worm.早起的鳥儿有虫吃。Zao qi de niaor you chong chi.
明日の百より今日の五十。A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.二鳥在林,不如一鳥在手。多得不如現得。Er niao zai lin, buru yi niao zai shou. Duo de buru xian de.
明日は明日の風が吹く。Tomorrow is another day.明天是新的一天。明天又是一个新的。明天将刮明天的風。明天再説明天的話。Mingtian shi xin de yitian. Mingtian youshi yige xin de. Mingtian jiang gua mingtian de feng. Mingtian zai shuo mingtian de hua.
当たって砕けろ。Go to the sea, if you would fish well.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Bu ru huxue, yan de huzi.
頭かくして尻隠さず。The foolish ostrich buries his hand in the sand and thinks he is not seen. He is hiding his head like an ostrich.藏頭漏尾,捉襟見肘。cang2tou2lou4wei3,zhuo1jin1jian4zhou3.
暑さ寒さも彼岸まで。The equinox brings on a mild weather.熱到秋分冷到春分。Le dao qiu fen, leng dao chun fen.
羹(あつもの)に懲りて膾(なます)を吹く。The [A] burnt child dreads [fears] the fire. Once bit [bitten], twice shy.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕旌縄(草縄)。被灼傷的小孩怕火。Yi zhao bei she yao, shi nian pa jing sheng(zao sheng). Bei zhuo shang de xiao haizi pa huo.
後の祭り。After death the doctor.雨后送傘。放馬后炮。Yu hou song san. Fang ma hou pao.
後は野となれ山となれ。After us the deluge!回頭浪子。Huitou langzi.
穴があったら、入りたい。Feel too ashamed to show one's face.無地自容。Wu2 di4 zi4 rong2.
あばたもえくぼ。恋は盲目。Love is blind (as regards the beloved). 愛盲目。愛是盲目的。Ai mangmu. Ai shi mangmu de.
雨垂れ石を穿つ。Constant dropping wears (away) the stone. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.滴水穿石。Di shui chuan shi.
雨降って地固まる。After a storm comes a calm.否極泰来。不打不成交。Pi ji tai lai. Bu da bu cheng jiao.
過ちは人の常、許すは神の業(わざ)。To err is human, to forgive divine.人非聖賢、孰能無過。過而不究,非賢即聖。(Ren fei sheng xian, shu neng wu guo. Guo er bu jiu, fei xian ji sheng.
過ちを改むるに、はばかるなかれ。改めるのに遅すぎるということはない。It is never too late to mend.亡羊捕牢、猶為未晩。Wang yang bu lao, you wei wei wan.
嵐の前の静けさ。Coming events cast their shadows before them.山雨欲来風満楼。Shan yu yu lai feng man lou.
あるはないに勝る。Something is better than nothing.聊勝于無。Liao sheng yu wu.
あれこれ考えていても人生は待ってはくれない。Life is what happens while you're making plans.
慌てず、騒がず、冷静に。Cool, calm, and collected.不慌不忙的、冷静的。Bu4 huang1 bu4 mang2 de, lengqing34 de.
合わぬ蓋あれば合う蓋あり。Every shoe fits not every foot.不能以己度人。Bu neng yi ji du ren.
案ずるより、生むが易し。Fear is often greater than the danger. An attempt is sometimes easier than expected. Doing something is often easier than worrying about it.杞人憂天。Qi ren you tian.
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言うは易く、行うは難し。Easier said than done. Saying is one thing and doing another.説起来容易、做起来難。看起来容易,做起来難。Shuoqilai rongyi, zuoqilai nan. Kanqilai rongyi, zuoqilai nan.
意志あるところ、必ず道あり。精神一到何事か成らざらん。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。You zhi zhe, shi jing cheng.
以心伝心。That which comes from the heart will go to the heart.心領神会。心心相印。以心伝心。Xin ling shen hui. Cin xin xiang yin. Yi xin zhuan xin.
石の上にも3年。Perseverance will win in the end. Patient men win the day.水到渠成。有志者事淨成。shui dao qu cheng. you3zhi4zhe3shi4jing4cheng2.
石橋をたたいて渡る。転ばぬ先の杖。Look before you leap.三思而后行。小心謹慎。San si er hou xing. Xiaoxin jinshen.
医者の不養生。医者よ、汝自身を治せ。Physician, heal thyself.医生,先治治イ尓自己。Yisheng11, xian zhizhi ni ziji.
衣食足りて礼節を知る。Good feeding before good breeding.食廩実則知礼節、衣食足則知栄辱。Shi lin shi ze zhi li jie, yi shi zu ze zhi rong ru.
急がば回れ。(The) More haste, (the) less speed. Make haste slowly. The longest way round is the nearest way home. Slow and steady wins the race.欲速則不達。急時繞道選好路。Yu su ze bu da. Ji shi raodao xuan hao lu.
1オンス分の予防は、1ポンド分の治療の価値がある。An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.一分予防勝似十分治療。Yifen yufang sheng si shifen zhilao.
一期一会。Treasure every encounter, for it will never recur. Opportunity knocks but [only] once.一期一会。机会只有一次。机不可失,時不再来。Yiqi yi hui. Jihui zhi you yici.Ji bu ke shi, shi bu zailai.
一事が万事。好機はただ一度。One instance shows all the rest.由一事知万端。You yi shi zhi wan duan.
一事成れば万事成る。Nothing succeeds like success.一事如意、万事順利。Yishi ru yi, wanshi shunli.
一度嘘をつくと、いつまでも疑われる。He that once deceives, is ever suspected.騙人一次、受疑一世。Pian ren yi ci, shou yi yi shi.
一難去って又一難。Out of the frying pan into the fire. To take one foot out of the mire and put in the other.一波未平一波又起。Yi bo wei ping yi bo you qi.
一念天に通ず。Care and diligence bring luck.謹慎和勤奮才能抓住机遇。謹慎和勤奮、帯来好運気。Jin3 shen4 he qin2 fen4 cai neng zhua1 zhu4 ji1 yu4. Jin3 shen4 he qin2 fen4, dai4lai2 hao yunqi45.
一年の計は元旦にあり。The whole year's plans are made on New Year's Day. A year's plan starts with spring.一年之計在于春。Yinian zhi ji zai yu chun.
一文惜しみの百知らず[百失い]。Penny wise, (and) pound foolish.不要因小失大。(便宜没好貨。) 貧小便宜吃大虧。 Bu yao yin xiao shi da, bianyi mei hao huo. Tan xiao bainyi xhi da kui.
一蓮托生。To sail in the same boat.同舟共済。Tong zhou gong ji.
一を聞いて、十を知る。A word is enough to a wise man.対明智者一言已足。聞一而知十。挙一反三。Dui mingzhizhe yiyan yi zuo. Wen yi er zhi shi. Ju yi fan san.
一攫千金。Making a fortune at a stoke.不労而獲。Bu lao er huo.
一挙両得。Kill two birds with one stone.一挙両得。一箭双雕。yi ju liang de. yi2 jian4 shuang1 diao1.
一将功成りて万骨枯る。The pleasures of the mighty are the tears of the poor. It is blood of the soldiers that makes the general great.一将成名万骨枯。Yi jiang cheng ming wagu ku.
一寸先は闇。Who can read the future ? You can never be too sure. 無法預知未来。Wufa yuzhi welai.
一炊の夢。邯鄲の夢。盧生の夢。Pleasure and joy soon come and soon go.邯鄲夢(邯鄲夢枕)。Hantan meng1 (mengzhen).
一寸の虫にも五分の魂。A fly even has its anger. Even a worm will turn.匹夫不可奮志。 Pifu bu ke duo zhi.
一石二鳥。Kill two birds with one stone.一石双鳥。一箭双雕。Yishi shuang niao. Yi jian shuang diao.
いつまでも心残りである。名残惜しくて離れがたい。後ろ髪を引かれる。To do something with painful reluctance.恋恋不舎。Lian4 lian4 bu4 she3.
犬も歩けば棒に当たる。Never go looking for trouble. Or seek and you shall find. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日。Fan ren jie you de yi ri.
命有っての、物だね。命あっての望みあり。Where there is life, there is hope.生命不息,希望常在。Shengming bu xi, xiwang chang zai.
命長ければ恥多し。A long life hath long miseries.漫長的人生多苦難。Man4 chang2 de5 resheng duo kunan.
井の中の蛙、大海を知らず。He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill. The frog in the well does not know the ocean.固歩自封。井底之蛙,不識大海。Gubu zifeng. Jingdi zhi wa, bu shi da hai.
色気より食い気。To love cake rather than love make. Fair words fill not the belly.漂亮話填不飽肚子。Piao liang hua tian bu bao duzi.
言わぬが花。No wisdom like silence.智者寡言。少説爲妙。Zhi zhe gua yan. shao3shuo1wei4miao4.
因果応報。One will have to reap what one has sown. What goes around comes around. As you sow, so (shall) you reap.種瓜得瓜、種豆得豆。Zhong gua de gua, zhong tou de tou.
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魚心あれば水心。Scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Scratch me and I'll scratch you.朋比為奸。Peng2 bi3 wei2 jian1.
嘘から出た誠。瓢箪から駒。There is many a true word spoken in jest. A thing said in jest comes true. A thing done in jest comes true.笑語之中吐真言。戯言寓真理。笑語里頭藏真言。Xiaoyu zhi zhong tu zhenyan. Xiyan yu zhenli. Xiaoyu li tou zang zhenyan.
嘘つきは泥棒の始まり。Lying and stealing are next-door neighbors. He that will lie will steal.会説慌的人也就会偸窃。Hui shuo huang de ren ye jiu hui tou qie.
嘘も方便。A small lie is useful in some cases. The end justifies the means.只要目的正当,可以不択手段。目的総是為手段弁護。Zhi yao mudi zheng dang, keyi bu ze shou duan. Mudi zongshi wei shou duan bian hu.
内弁慶。A lion at home and a mouse abroad. Every dog is a lion at home.窩裏。wo1li3heng2.
うなぎ昇り。skyrocketing. spiraling up.直線上升。zhi2xian4shang4sheng1.
馬の耳に念仏。馬耳東風。Talking to a brick-wall.東風吹馬耳。対牛弾琴。Dongfeng chui maer. Dui niu tan qin.
売り言葉に買い言葉。One ill word asks another.*爾有来言,我有去語ni3you3lai2yan2,wo3you3qu4yu3
噂をすれば影。Talk of the devil, and he'll appeare.説曹操,曹操就到。Shuo Cao Cao, Cao Cao jiu dao.
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英雄色を好む。Who loves not wine,women and song he is a fool his whole life.英雄難過美人関。Ying xiong nan guo meiren guan.
絵に書いた餅は食べられない。Never confuse art with life.画餅充飢。画餅不充飢。Hua bing chong ji. Hua bing bu chong ji.
縁は異なもの。There is no telling which two will make a couple. Marriages are made in heaven.千里姻縁一線牽。Qian li yin yuan yi xian qian.
エビで鯛を釣る。A little bait catches a large fish.小本賺大利。Xiao ben zuan da li.
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おいては子に従え。The old generation must make way for the new,老了要听子女的。lao3le0yao4ting1zi3nv3de0.
おごれるものは久しからず。Pride goes before a fall. 驕者必敗。驕傲使人落后。驕兵必敗。Jiao zhe bi bai. Jiao zuo shi ren luohou. Jiao bing bi bai.
男は度胸。Faint heart never won fair lady.懦夫難得美人心。懦弱的人永遠無法羸得美人的歓心。Nuofu nan de ren xin. Nuo nuo de ren yong yuan wu fang ying de meiren de huanxin.
同じ釜の飯を食う仲間。同舟共済。Tongzhou gongji.
鬼に金棒。Fortune is the rod of the weak, and the staff of the brave.錦上添花。如虎添翼。Jin shang tian hua. Ru hu tian yi.
帯に短し、襷に長し。Too much spoils, too little is nothing.高不成低不就。不成材。Gao bu cheng di bu jiu. Bu cheng zai.
溺れる者は、藁をもつかむ。A drowning man will catch at a straw.溺水的人一根草也要抓。Miao shui de ren yi cao yao zhua.
思い立ったが、吉日。Make hay while the sun shines.晒草要趁太陽好。良機勿失。Shai cao chen taiyang hao. Liang ji wu shi.
親孝行したいときには親はなし。 By the time you wish to be a good son, your parents are long gone.子欲養而親不待。zi3yu4yang3er2qin1bu4dai.
親の心子知らず。No child knows how dear he is to his parents.子女不知父母心。Zinv bu zhi fumu xin.
親はなくとも。子は育つ。Nature is a good mother,兒孫自有兒孫福。孩子沒有父母,也能成長。er2sun1zi4you3er2sun1fu2./ hai2zi0mei2you3fu4mu3,ye3neng2cheng2zhang3.
終わりよければすべて良し。All's well that ends well.結果好, 万事好。結果好一切都好。Jieguo hao, wanshi hao. Jieguo hao yiqie dou hao.
女3人寄れば、かしましい。One tongue is enough for two women.三個女人一台戲。女人湊三*少(口偏)死人。san1ge4nv3ren2yi1tai2xi4/ nv3ren2cou4san1chao3si3ren2.
女心と秋の空。A woman is a weathercock.
恩を仇で返す。Returning evil for good.恩將仇報。En jiang chou bao.
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飼い犬に手を噛まれる。He has brought up a bird to pick out his own eyes.恩将仇報被家犬咬了手。En jiang chou bao bei jia quan yao le shou.
学問に王道なし。There is no royal road to learningThere is no royal road to learning.学無坦途。Xue wu tantu.
賢い人は転んでもただでは起きない。A wise person profits by his mistakes.智者由自己的過失中得到教益。Zhi zhe you ziji de guoshi zhong de dao jiao yi.
臥薪嘗胆。Perserverance under difficulties. Sleep on brushwood and taste gall.臥薪嘗胆。wo4 xin1 chang2 dan3.
佳人薄命。He whom the gods love dies young.神愛的人死得早。才子命短。佳人命薄。Shen ai de ren si de zao. Caizi ming duan. Jia ren ming bo.
風邪は万病の元。A cold often leads to all kinds of disease.感冒是百病之源。gan3mao4shi4bai3bing4zhi1yuan2.
勝って兜の緒を締めよ。Not to halloo until one is out of the wood.未出危険境,切莫先高興。Wei chu weixian jing, qie xian mo gaoxing.
カッパの川流れ。Even Homer sometimes nods. People are not saints, so who can be without blame?人非聖賢、孰能無過。Ren2 fei1 shen4 xian2, shu2 neng2 wu2 guo4.
勝てば官軍(、負ければ賊軍)。Losers are always in the wrong.勝着王侯,敗着囚(賊)。Sheng zhe wang hou, bai zhe qiu(zei).
金は天下の回りもの。Money comes and goes.銭是身外之物。Qian shi shen wai zhi wu.
金を払うものが笛吹きに曲を指示できる。費用を支払うものにその使い道を決定する権利がある。He who pays the piper calls the tune.誰負担費用,誰加以控制。Shui fudan feiyong, shui jiayi kongzhi.
壁に耳あり障子に目あり。Walls have ears.隔籬有眼,隔壁有耳。Ge li you yan, geqiang you er.
果報は寝て待て。Sleep and wait for good luck.会等待的人一切都会得到。着急吃不得熱豆腐。Hui deng dai de ren yiqie dou hui de dao. Zhe ji chi bu de re doufu.
亀の甲より年の功。Experience counts.年高有コ経験多。姜是老的辣。Nian gao you de jingyan duo. Jiang shi lao de la.
神は自ら助くる物を助く。God helps those who help themselves.自助者,天助之。Zi zhu zhe, tian zhu zhi.
鴨が葱を背負って来る。喜从天降,諸事如意。Xi cong tian jiang, zhushi ru yi.
画竜点睛。You don't give the finishing touch.画龍点睛。Hua long dian jing.
枯れ木も山のにぎわい。Anything is better than nothing.聊勝于无。Liao sheng yu wu.
かわいい子には旅をさせろ。Spare the rod and spoil the child.孩子不打不成器。不教不成材。Haizi bu da bu cheng qi. Bu jiao bu cheng zai.
かわいさ余って憎さ百倍。Excessive tenderness switched to hundredfold hatred.愛之愈深,恨之愈烈。ai4zhi1yu4shen1,hen4zhi1yu4lie4。
蛙の子は蛙。Children have the qualities of the parents.有什麼様的父母,就有什麼様的孩子。有什麼様的父母,就有。You shenme yang de fumu, jiu you shenme yang de haizi. You shenme yang de humu, jiu you.
完全無欠。非の打ち所がない。Be perfectly faultless.十全十美。shiquan shimei.
邯鄲の夢。一炊の夢。盧生の夢。Pleasure and joy soon come and soon go.邯鄲夢(邯鄲夢枕)。Hantan meng1 (mengzhen).
堪忍袋の緒が切れる。Patience provoked turns to fury.忍無可忍。Ren wu ke ren.
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聞くは一時の恥、聞かぬは一生の恥。Nothing is lost for asking.問則一時耻,不問耻一生。wen4ze2yi4shi2chi3,bu4wen4chi3yi4sheng1。
机上の空論。Nothing but talk. Nothing more than words on paper.紙上談兵。Zhi shang tan bing.
逆境で人は成長する。Adversity is the best school.逆境更利于成長。ni4jing4geng4li4yu2cheng2zhang3。
九死一生。死里逃生。Si li dao sheng.
窮すれば通ず。Need will have its course.窮則變,變則通。窮極智生。車到山前必有路。qiong2ze2bian4,bian4ze2tong1。qiong2ji2zhi4sheng1。che1dao4shan1qian2bi4you3lu4。
今日できることを明日まで延ばすな。今日出来ることは今日のうちに。Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事絶不要tuo到明天。Jintian neng zuo de shi jue buyao tuo dao mingtian.
今日は今日の風が吹き、明日は明日の風が吹く。Tomorrow is another day.明天是新的一天。明天又是一个新的。明天将刮明天的風。明天再説明天的話。Mingtian shi xin de yitian. Mingtian youshi yige xin de. Mingtian jiang gua mingtian de feng. Mingtian zai shuo mingtian de hua.
漁夫の利。Two dogs fight for a bone, and a third runs away with it.鵜蚌相争,漁翁得利。Yu bang xiang zheng, yu weng de li.
木を見て森を見ず。We cannot see the wood for the trees.見樹不見森。只看局部,不看整体。Jian ju bu jian shen. Zhi kan jubu, bu kan zhengti.
勤勉は幸運の母。Diligence is the mother of good fortune.勤奮是幸運之母。Qinfen shi xinyun zhi mu.
勤勉は成功の母。Diligence is the mother of success.勤奮是成功之母。Qinfen shi chenggong zhi mu.
禁断の木の実は一番おいしい。Forbidden fruit is sweetest.禁果最甜。Jing guo zui tian.
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口は災いの元。Out of the mouth comes evil.禍従口出。Huo cong kou chu.
口八丁手八丁。He has long arms and a long tongue as well.話和行動都很麻利。口八丁手八丁。hua4he2xing2dong4dou1hen3ma2li4。kou3ba1ding1shou3ba1ding1。
苦しいときの神頼み。Danger past, God forgotten.過河拆橋。飛鳥尽,良弓藏。Guo he zhe qiao. Fei nian jin, liang gong zang.
来る者は拒まず。来者不拒。Lai2 zhe3 bu4 ju4.
君子危うきに近寄らず。A wise man never courts danger.君子不近危。君子不立危牆下。jun1zi0bu4jin4wei1。jun1zi0bu4li4wei1qiang2xia4。
君子は豹変する。A wise man changes his mind, a fool never.智者通権達変、愚者剛愎自用。Zhi zhe tong quan da bian, yu zhe gang bi zi yong.
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経験によって学ぶ。live and learn.活到老,学到老。Huo dao lao, xue dao lao.
鶏口となるも、牛後となるなかれ。Better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion.寧為鶏首、不為牛后。寧為犬首、不作獅尾。Ning wei jishou, bu wei niu hou. Ning wei quan shou, buzuo shi wei.
芸は身を助く。Accomplishments are a friend in need.藝能養身。一藝在身勝積千金。yi4neng2yang3shen1。yi1yi4zai4shen1sheng4ji1qian1jin1。
結果良ければすべて良し。The end justifies the means.只要目的正当,可以不択手段。Zhi yao mudi zheng4 dang1, ke yi bu4 ze2 shou3 duan4.
欠点なき人はなし。No man is without his faults.凡人皆有過錯。Fan ren jie you guo cuo.
健康な者には希望があり、希望を持つ者は全てを持てる者である。He, who has health, has hope; and he who has hope has everything.身体健壮就有希望,有了希望就有了一切。Shengti jianzhuang jiu you xiwang, youle xiwang jiuyou le yiqie.
*** Ko *************戻る/Return to Top
恋は盲目。あばたもえくぼ。Love is blind (as regards the beloved). 愛盲目。Ai mang mu.
光陰矢のごとし。Time flies like an arrow.光陰似箭。Guang yin shi jian.
後悔先に立たず。What is done cannot be undone.木已成舟。生米煮成熟飯了。覆水難收。Mu4 yi3 cheng2 zhou1. Sheng1 mi3 zhu3 cheng2 shu2 fan4. Fu shui nan shou.
幸、不幸は予測できないものだ。人間万事、塞翁が馬。Nothing so bad but might be a blessing.塞翁失馬,焉知非福Seweng shi ma, yan zhi fei fu.
郷に入れば郷に従え。When in Rome, do as the Romans do.入郷随俗。Ru4 xiang1 sui2 su2.
攻撃は最大の防御なり。Attack is the best form of defence.常言道,攻撃是最好的防御。Chang yan dao, gong ji shi zuihao de fang yu.
行動が言葉よりもより語る。行動は言葉より雄弁に語る。Actions speak louder than words.事実勝于雄辨。Shishi shengyu xiongbian.
巧言令色少なし仁。Where there is over mickle courtesy, there is little kindness.巧言令色、鮮矣仁。Qiao yan ling se, xian yi ren.
弘法も筆の誤り。Even Homer sometimes nods.人非聖賢、孰能無過。智者千智者千慮,必有一失。Ren2 fei1 shen4 xian2, shu2 neng2 wu2 guo4. Zhi4 zhe3 qian1 lyu4, bi4 you3 yi4 shi1.
虎穴に入らずんば、虎児を獲ず。Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子Bu ru huxue, yan de huzi.
五十歩百歩。The pot calls kettle black.五十歩笑百歩。Wu shi bu xiao bai bu.
困ったときの友が真の友。A friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真交。Huan nan jian zhen jiao.
転ばぬ先の杖。石橋をたたいて渡る。Look before you leap.三思而后行。小心謹慎。San si er hou xing. Xiaoxin jinshen.
紺屋の白袴。The cobbler's wife goes the worst shod. Who is worse shod than the shoemaker's wife鞋匠的老婆没鞋穿。Xie jiang de lao po mei xie chuan.
*** S *******************
*** Sa *************戻る/Return to Top
歳月人を待たず。Time and tide waits for no man.歳月不等人。Suiyue bu deng ren.
最後に笑う者がもっともよく笑う。(早まってぬか喜びするな。) He who laughs last laughs best.誰笑在最后,誰笑得最好。Shui xiao zai zuihou, shui xiao de zuihao.
賽は投げられた。The die is cast.骰子已経擲下。事已决定。不可更改。木已成舟。Touzi yijing zhixia. Shi ji jueding, bu ke genggai. Mu4 yi3 cheng2 zhou1.
先んずれば人を制す。First come, first served. Take the lead, and you will win.捷足先登。先到先得。先到的先招待。Jie zuo xian deng. Xian dao xian de. Xian dao de xian zhaodai.
酒は百薬の長。Good wine makes good blood.酒是最好的藥。jiu3shi4zui4hao3de0yao4。
猿も木から落ちる。Even Homer sometimes nods.人非聖賢、孰能無過。智者千智者千慮,必有一失。Ren2 fei1 shen4 xian2, shu2 neng2 wu2 guo4. Zhi4 zhe3 qian1 lyu4, bi4 you3 yi4 shi1.
去る者は追わず。Who can hold what will be going ?往者不追,來者不拒。wang3zhe3bu4zhui1,lai2zhe3bu4ju4。
三十六計逃げるにしかず。The best thing to do now is to run away.三十六計走為上策。San shi liu ji zou wei shang ce.
三度目の正直。All things thrive at thrice.事不過三。第三次的坦率。shi4bu4guo4san1。di4san1ci4de0tan3shuai4。
三人寄れば文殊の知恵。Two heads are better than one.三個臭皮匠頂個諸葛亮。San ge xiu pi jiang ding ge Zhuge Liang.
*** Shi *************戻る/Return to Top
自画自賛。Every potter praises his own pot.老王売瓜,自売自誇。自畫自賛。Lao wang mai guo, zi mai zi kuai. Zi hua zi zan.
自業自得。One must drink as one brews. Self do, self have.自作自受。種瓜得瓜、種豆得豆。自業自得。 Zi zuo zi shou. Zhong gua de gua, zhong tou de tou. Zi ye zi de.
地獄の沙汰も金次第。Money makes the mare to go.有銭能使鬼推磨。You qian neng shi gui tui mo.
親しき仲にも礼儀あり。Politeness is not just for strangers.關系親密又講究禮貌。guan1xi0qin1mi4you4jiang3jiu0li3mao4。
質は量にまさる。量より質。Quality matters more than quantity.質重于量。Zhi zhongyu liang.
失敗は成功の元。Failure is the mother of success.失敗是成功之母。Shi bai shi cheng gong zhi mu.
釈迦に説法。It is not necessary to teach a fish to swim.切莫教魚游泳。不要班門弄斧。Qie mo jio yu youyong. Bu yao ban1 men2 nong4 fu3.
蛇の道は蛇。The wolf knows what the ill beast thinks.賊了解賊。Zei liaojie zei.
朱に交われば赤くなる。習慣は第二の天性。He who touches pitch shall be defiled. Habits is a second nature.近朱者赤,近墨者K。習慣成自然。Jin zhu zhe chi, jin mo zhe hei. Xi2 guan4 cheng ziiran.
初心忘るべからず。Don't forget your first resolution.勿忘初衷。不忘初衷。wu4wang4chu1zhong1。bu4wang4chu1zhong1。
少年よ大志を抱け。Boys be ambitious.小孩子応該積極進取。少年*阿, 胸懐大志*巴。Xiao haizi yinggai jiji jinqu. Xiaonian a, xionghuai da zhi ba.
少年老いやすく学成りがたし。Art is long, life short.少年易老学難成、一寸光陰不可軽。Xiao nian yi lao xue nan cheng, yi cun guangyin bu ke qing./ 朱熹「偶成詩」
将を射んとせばまず馬を射よ。Love the babe for her that bore it.射將先射馬。she4jiang1xian1she4ma3。
十人十色。So many men, so many minds.十個人十様性。Shi ge ren shi yang xing.
知らぬが仏。Ignorance is bliss.无知是福。不知道真相有時反而比較好。Wuzhi shi fu. Bu zhidao zhen xiang youshi fan er bijiao hao.
順風満帆。一帆風順。Yi4 fan1 feng1 shun4.
真実は時の娘である。Truth is the daughter of time.時間見真理。Shijian jian zhenli.
四面楚歌。He was surrounded by foes.四面楚歌。Shi mian su ge.
針小棒大。Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.不要小題大做。Bu yao xiao ti da zuo.
人事を尽くして天命を待つ。Use the means and God will give the blessing.盡人事待天命。盡人事聴待天命。做事在人,成事在天。jin3ren2shi4dai4tian1ming4/ jin3ren2shi4ting1dai4tian1ming4/ zuo4shi4zai4ren2,cheng2shi4zai4tian1。
*** Su *************戻る/Return to Top
過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし。Less is more.少即多。少即是多。Xiao ji duo. Xiao ji shi duo.
好きこそものの上手なれ。Nothing is hard to a willing mind.世上無難事只怕有心人。好者能精。Shi shang wu nan shi zhi pa you xin ren. Hao zhe neng jing.
雀百まで踊り忘れず。What the colt learns in youth he continues in old age.稟性難易。bing3xing4nan2yi4。
すべての道はローマに通ず。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通夢馬。Tiao tiao da lu tong Luoma.
住めば都。To every bird his own nest is best.金禽銀禽不如自家的草禽。久居則安。Jin wo yi wo buru zijia de cao wo. Jiy ju ze an.
*** Se *************戻る/Return to Top
千里の道も一歩から。You have to start somewhere.千里之行,始于足下。qian1li3zhi1xing2,shi3yu2zu2xia4
せいては事をし損ずる。 Haste makes waste.欲速則不達。Yu su ze bu da.
青天の霹靂a bolt from [out of] the blue青天霹靂qing1tian1pi1li4
精神一到何事か成らざらん。意志あるところ、必ず道あり。Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竟成。You zhi zhe, shi jing cheng.
銭厘を大切にすれば大金はおのずとたまる。小事をおろそかにしなければ大事は自然と成る。小事を軽んずるなかれ。Take care of the pence(pennies), and the pounds will take care of themselves.積少自然成多。Ji shao ziran cheng duo.
船頭多くして船、山に登る。Too many cooks spoil the broth.厨師多了難焼湯。厨子成群,煮坏肉羹。Chuzi duo le nan shao tang. Chuzi cheng qun, zhu le rou geng.
善は急げ。 Make hay while the sun shines.良机勿失。晒草要趁太陽好。趁熱打鉄。Liangji wu shi. Shai cao yao chen taiyang hao. Chen4 re4 da3 tie3.
*** So *************戻る/Return to Top
備えあれば憂いなし。Save up for a rainy day.有備無患。平時存銭、防備雨天。別把銭都花光了、留着以備急需。存銭以備不時之需。為将来做準備。You bei wu huan. Pingshi cun qian, fang bei yutian. Bie ba qian dou hua guang le. liu zhe yi bei jixu. Wei jianglai zuo zhunbei.
袖触れあうも多生の縁。There is a destiny that makes us brothers.萍水相逢、事有縁。Ping shui xiang feng, shi you yuan.
損して得を取れ。Sometimes the best gain is to lose.有時得即是失。有時大得即大失。Youshi de ji shi shi. you shi da de ji da shi.
*** Ta *************戻る/Return to Top
大器晩成。Great oaks from little acorns grow. Great talents mature late.大器晩成。万丈高楼平地起。Daqi wancheng. Wanzhang gao lou pingdi qi.
大山(泰山)鳴動してネズミ一匹。Great cry and little wool. The mountains have brought a mouse.声多毛少。雷声大,雨点小 。労而無功。 大山生小鼠。Sheng duo mao shao. Lei sheng da, yu dian xiao. Lao er wu gong. Da shan sheng xiao shu.
大事は小事より起こる。Great things have small beginnings. Small beginnings come great things.偉大始于渺小。Weida shi yu miao shao.
大は小を兼ねる。The greater embraces the less.夫已有大者、又兼小者。Fu yi you da zhe, you jian xiao zhe.
宝の持ち腐れ。A book that remains shut is but a block.有書閉卷不閲読,無異是一塊木頭。You shu bi juan yue du, wu yi shi yi kuai mu tou.
他山の石。By other's faults, wise men correct their own. Learn from his mistake.他山之石,可以攻玉。Ta sahn zhi shi, keyi gong yu.
ただより高いものはない。Nothing costs so much as what is given us.別人送的東西価最高。Bie ren song de dongxi jiao zui gao.
立つ鳥跡を濁さず。Cast no dirt into the well that gives you water.過河莫拆橋。Guo he mo chai qiao.
蓼食う者も好きずき。There is no accounting for taste.百人百味。人各有所愛而已。鐘鼎山林,各有所好。Bai ren bai wei. Ren ge you suo ai er ji. Zhong ding shan lin, ge you suo hao.
旅の恥はかきすて。A man away from home need feel no shame.出門在外不怕*失醜chu1men2zai4wai4bu2pa4diu1chou3。
旅は道連れ世は情け。No road is long with good company.旅途有好伴,千里不覚長。与良友為伴,路遥不覚遠。Lu tu you hao ban, qian li bu jue chang. Yu liang you ban, lu yao bu jue yuan.
便りのないのは、よい便り。No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。Meiyou xiaoxi, jiu shi hao xiaoxi.
短気は損気。Haste makes waste.忙乱易錯。欲速則不達。Mang luan yi cuo. Yu su ze bu da.
団結は力なり。Union is strength.団結就是力量。Tuan jie jiushi li liang.
単刀直入。Going right to the point. Without beating about the bush.単刀直入。Dan1 dao1 zhi2 ru4.
*** Chi *************戻る/Return to Top
血は水よりも濃し。Blood is thicker than water.血濃於水。Xie nong yu shui.
知識は力なり。Knowledge is power.知識就是力量。Zhishi jiu shi li liang.
朝令暮改。The law is not the same at morning and at night.朝令暮改。Zhao ling mu gai.
塵も積もれば山となる。Many a little makes a mickle.積少成多。Ji shao cheng duo.
沈黙は雄弁に勝る。Speech is silver; silence is golden.能言是銀,沈黙是金。Neng yan shi yin, chenmo shi jin.
*** Tsu *************戻る/Return to Top
罪を憎んで人を憎まず。One hates not the person, but the vice. Condemn the offense, but pity the offender.憎恨罪,不憎恨人。Zenghen zui, zenghen ren.
*** Te *************戻る/Return to Top
適材適所。the right man in the right place.各得其所。人得其位位得其。Ge de qi suo. Re de qi wei wei de qi.
鉄は熱いうちに打て。Strike the iron while it is hot.趁熱打鉄。Chen re da tie.
出る杭は打たれる。A nail that stands up will be pounded down.
天才は1%のひらめきと99%の努力。Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.天才一分来自霊感,九十九分来自勤奮。Tiancai yifen laizi linggan, jiushijiu fen laizi qinfen.
点滴石をも穿つ。Constant dripping wears away a stone.滴水穿石。Di shui chuan shi.
天は自ら助ける者を助ける。Heaven helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。求人不如求己。Tian zhu zi zhu zhe. Qiu ren bu ru qiu ji.
*** To *************戻る/Return to Top
東西どこに行こうと我が家が最高。East or west home is best.金禽、銀禽、不如自己的草禽。jinqin, yinqin, buru ziji de caoqin.
灯台もと暗し。It is dark at the foot of a candle. The darkest spot is just under the candle.燭台底下最暗。Zhu tai di xia zui an.
遠くの親類より近くの他人。A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kinsman.遠親不如近隣。Yuan qin buru jinlin.
時は金なり。Time is money.時間就是金銭。Shijian jiushi jinqian.
得意満面。Beam with pride眉飛色舞。Mei2 fei1 se4 wu3.
所変われば品変わる。So many countries ; so many customs.風俗習慣各有不同。Fengsu xiguan ge you bu tong.
隣のバラ。Love me, love my dog.愛屋及烏。Ai4 wu1 ji2 wu1.
友は得がたく、失うは易し。A friend is easier lost than found.得朋友難、失朋友易。De pengyou nan, shi pengyou yi.
捕らぬ狸の皮算用。Count not your chickens before they are hatched.不要過早楽観。Bu yao guo zao le guan.
取り越し苦労。Don't cross the bridge until you come to it.不要杞人憂天。Bu yao qi ren you tuan.
虎の威を借る狐。An ass in a lion's skin.狐假虎威。色雌煢`。Hu jia hu wei. Se li nei ren.
飛んで火に入る夏の虫。Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.智者裹足不前,愚者*廷而走険。Zhi zhe li zuo bu qian, yu zhe ting er zou xian.
*** N *******************
*** Na *************戻る/Return to Top
長いものには巻かれろ。It is no meddling with our betters.(月+各)膊紐不過大腿。Gebo niu bu guo da tui.
泣き面に蜂。Misfortunes never come singly.禍不単行。Huo bu danxing.
泣きっ面に蜂。降れば必ずどしゃ降り。It never rains but it pours.禍不単行。Huo bu danxing.
情けは人のためならず。One good turn deserves another.行善積コ。Xing shan ji de.
何も求めなければ何も得ず。Nothing seek, nothing find.無所求則無所獲。Wu suo qiu ze wu suo huo.
何もないよりはまし。枯れ木も山のにぎわい。Anything is better than nothing.聊勝于無。Liao sheng yu wu.
何事にも潮時在り。Everything has its time.万物皆有時。Wan wu jie you shi.
七転び八起き。He that falls today may rise tomorrow.東山再起。卷土重来。重整旗鼓。今天跌倒的人,明天可能会站起来。Dong1 shan1 zai4 qi3. Juan3 tu3 chong2 lai2. Zhong zheng qi gu. Jintian die dao, mingtian ke neng hui zhan qi lai.
習うより慣れよ。Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。Shu2 neng2 sheng1 qiao3.
ならぬ堪忍するが堪忍。No remedy but patience.忍耐是良薬。Ren nai shi liang yao.
生兵法は大けがのもと。A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.一知半解,自欺欺人。浅学誤人。Yi zhi ban jie. Zi4 qi1 qi1 ren2. Qian xue wu re.
南柯の夢。はかない一場の夢。Life is but an empty dream.南柯一夢。Nan2ke1 yi1 meng4.
*** Ni *************戻る/Return to Top
二兎追う者は一兎も得ず。He who runs after two hares will catch neither.脚踏両条船,好事無成。脚踏両条船,必定落空。 一心二用将一事无成。同時追両兔,一只也難捕。Jiao ta liang tiao chuan, hao shi wu cheng. Jiao ta liang tiao chuan, bi ding luo kong. Yi xin er yong jiang yi shi wu cheng. Tong shi zhui liang tu, yi zhi ye nan bu.
二度と同じ手は食わない。No fish is caught twice with the same bait.智者不上両次档(当)。笨魚才会咬両次釣。Zhi zhe bu shang liang ci dang. Ben yu cai hui yao liang ci gou.
二度在ることは三度在る。What happens twice will happen three times. It never rains but it pours. Misfortunes never come singly.不雨則已,一雨傾盆。禍不単行。Bu yu ze yi, yi yu qing pen. Huo bu dan xing.
逃がした魚は大きい。The one that got away is always the biggest.
逃げるが勝ち。He that fights and runs away may live to fight another day.留得青山在,不怕没柴焼。Liu de qing shan zai, bu pa mei chai shao.
女房と畳は新しい方がよい。Everyting new is fine.新事物総是美好的。Xin shi wu zong shi mei hao de.
人間万事、塞翁が馬。幸、不幸は予測できないものだ。Nothing so bad but might be a blessing. Bad luck often brings good luck.塞翁失馬,焉知非福Seweng shi ma, yan zhi fei fu.
*** Nu *************戻る/Return to Top
盗んだ果実はおいしい。A stolen fruit tastes sweet.偸来的果子分外甜。禁果味甜。禁果格外香。Tou lai de guo zi fen wai tian. Jin guo wei tian. Jn guo gewai xiang.
糠に釘。All is lost that is given to a fool.瞎子点燈白費蝋。xia1zi3dian3deng1bai2fei4la4。
盗人を捕らえて縄をなう。To lock the stable when the horse is stolen.亡羊補牢,犹未為晩。亡羊補牢,為時已晩。賊出関門。Wang yang bu lao, you wei wei wan. Wang yang bu lao, wei shi yi wan. Zei chu guan men.
*** Ne *************戻る/Return to Top
猫に小判。Give not pearls to the hogs.珍珠頭在猪*夢前面。Chen zhu tou zai zhu luo qian mian.
眠っているライオンを起こすな。Wake not a sleeping lion.
*** No *************戻る/Return to Top
のらくら青年、食いつめ老人。An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒傷悲。Shaozhuang bu nuli, laodatu shangbi.
能ある鷹は爪隠す。Still waters run deep.静水常深。Jing shui chang shen.
残り物には福がある。There is luck in the leftover piece. Last but not least.
軒を貸して母屋を取られる。Give him an inch and he'll take a mile.得寸進尺。De cun jin chi.
喉元すぎれば熱さ忘れる。Danger past, God is forgotten.飛鳥尽,良弓藏。過河拆橋。Fei niao jin, liang gong zang. Guo he chai qiao.
暖簾に腕押し。He catches the wind with a net.K夜怪槍。Hei ye guai qiang.
乗りかかった船。Never do things by halves.做事不要半途而廃。Zuo shi bu yao ban du er fei.
*** H *******************
*** Ha *************戻る/Return to Top
馬鹿の一つ覚え。He that knows little often repeats it.知之甚少的人経常重復。知識貧乏者瞬間即復。Zhi zhi shen shao de ren jinhchang zhongfu. Zhishi pinfa zhe shunjian ji fu.
馬鹿につける薬なし。No medicine can cure folly.没有任何薬可治愚昧。愚蠢无薬可治。Meiyou renhe yao ke zhi yu mei. Yuchun wu yao ke zhi.
馬鹿は死ななきゃ直らない。Who is born a fool is never cured.生成的*子総是治不好的。天生的*瓜无薬治。Shengcheng de shazi zongshi zhi bu hao de. Tian sheng de sha gua wu yao zhi.
破産。傾家蕩産。Qing1 jia1 dang4 chan3.
馬耳東風。馬の耳に念仏。Talking to a brick-wall.東風吹馬耳。対牛弾琴。Dongfeng chui maer. Dui niu tan qin.
橋に到達もしないで、橋を渡ろうとするな。今から心配しても仕方ない。取り越し苦労をするな。Let's cross the bridge when we come to it.船到橋頭自然直。Chuan dao qiaotou ziran zhi.
始め良ければ半分できたも同じ。Well begun is half done.好的開端是成功的一半。Hao de kai duan shi chenggong de yi ban.
始めが肝心。A good beginning makes a good ending.善始者善終。善始者必善其終。Shan shi zhe shan zhong. Shan shi zhe bi shan qi zhong.
働かざる者食うべからず。If you won't work, you shan't eat. If any would not work, neither should he eat.不労働者不得食。B laodong zhe bu de si.
八方美人頼むに足らず。Everybody's friend is nobody's friend.广交友,无深交。友多无好友。Guang jiao you, wu shen jiao. You duo wu hao you.
花より団子。Pudding rather than praise.寧要実惠、不要恭維。Ning yao shi hui, bu yao gong wei.
早寝早起きは健康、富、賢さの源。早起きは三文の徳。朝起きは七つの得あり。Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起,富裕、聡明、身体好。Zaoshui zaoqi, fuyu, congming, shenti hao.
早い者勝ち。First come, first served.先来后到。Xian lai hou dao.
早ければ早い程良い。The sooner, the better. 越快越好。Yue lai yue hao.
腹八分に医者はいらない。Feed by measure and defy the physician.飲食有節制,医生无用処。Yinshi you jie zhi, yisheng wu yong chu.
*** Hi *************戻る/Return to Top
美人薄命。Those whom the gods love die young. The good die young.神所愛的人早逝。好人不長命。好人不長寿。Shen suo ai de ren zao shi. Hao ren bu chang ming. Hao ren bu chang shou.
必要は発明の母。Necessity is the mother of invention.需要是発明的動力。Xuyao shi faming de dongli.
人の振り見てわが振り直せ。One man's fault is another man's lesson.看看別人照照自己。Kan kan bie ren zhao zhao ziji.
人の噂も75日。A wonder lasts but nine days.新鮮事儿不久長。Xin xian shi er bu jiu chang.
人は見かけによらぬもの。Never judge by appearance. There is no trusting in appearances.永遠不要以貌取人。Yong yuan bu yao yi mao qu ren.
人を見たら泥棒と思え。Never trust a stranger.防人之心不可無。fang2ren2zhi1xin1bu4ke3wu2。
人の口に戸は立てられない。People will talk.搬弄口舌者必是小人。Ban nong kou she zhe bi shi xiao ren.
人の物はよく見える。The apples on the other side of the wall are the sweetest.別人的東西総比自己的要好。這山望着那山高。Bie re de dongxi zong bi ziji de yao hao. Zhe shan wang zhe na shan gao.
火のないところに煙立たず。There is no smoke without fire.無風不起浪。Wu feng bu qi lang.
百聞は一見に如かず。Seeing is believing.百聞不如一見。Bai wen bu ru yi jian.
百里の道も一歩から。Step after step goes far.循序漸進。*包之前必須先学会走路。Xunxu jian jin. Pao zhi qian bixu shue hui zou lv.
瓢箪から駒。嘘から出た誠。There is many a true word spoken in jest. A thing said in jest comes true. A thing done in jest comes true.弄仮成真。Nong jia cheng zhen.
貧乏暇なし。The poor have no leisure.窮日子無空閑,越窮越忙。qiong2ri4zi0wu2kong4xian2,yue4qiong2yue4mang2。
*** Hu *************戻る/Return to Top
風光明媚。山清水秀。Shan1 qing1 shui3 xiu4.
覆水盆に返らず。it is no use crying over split milk. Cry over spilt milk.覆水難收。Fu shui nan shou.
降れば必ずどしゃ降り。泣きっ面に蜂。It never rains but it pours.禍不単行。Huo bu danxing.
豚に真珠。Do not throw pearls to swine.投珠以豕。Tou zhu yi shi.
笛吹けど踊らず。We have piped to you, and you have not danced.怎樣誘導也無人響應。zen3yang4you4dao3ye3wu2ren2xiang3ying4。
武士に二言なし。A bargain is a bargain.
二人の主人には仕えない。No man can serve two masters.
夫婦げんかは犬も食わない。One should not interfere in lovers' quarrels. The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love.夫妻*少(口偏)架狗不理。fu1qi1chao3jia4gou3bu4li3。
*** He *************戻る/Return to Top
下手な職人は道具のせいにする。A bad workman always blames his tools.
下手な鉄砲も数打ちゃあたる。He that shoots oft at last shall hit the mark.瞎猫也能抓住死老鼠。xia1mao1ye3neng2zhua1zhu4si3lao3shu3。
ペンは剣よりもつよし。The pen is mighter than the sword.筆能殺人。文能勝武。Bi neng sha ren. Wen neng sheng wu.
*** Ho *************戻る/Return to Top
吠える犬はかまない。A barking dog never bites.吠犬不咬人。会叫的狗不咬人。Fei quan bu yao ren. Hui jiao de gou bu yao ren.
骨折り損のくたびれ儲け。Great pains but all in vain. To labour in vain.无效労働。Wuxiao laodong.
坊主憎くけりゃ袈裟まで憎い。Love me, love my dog.恨和尚看到袈裟也來氣(厭其人而及其物)。hen4he2shang0kan4dao4jia1sha1ye3lai2qi4(yan4qi2ren2er2ji2qi2wu4)。
仏の顔も三度。To try the patience of a saint.事不過三。shi4bu4guo4san1。
*** M *******************
*** Ma *************戻る/Return to Top
まかぬ種ははえぬ。苦痛なくして、得るものなし。苦労なくして、得られるものはない。No pain, no gain.不労則無獲。Bu lao ze wu huo.
負けるが勝ち。To lose is to win.吃小虧占大便宜。Chi xiao kui zhan da pianyi.
馬子にも衣装。Manners and money make a gentleman.人是衣裳馬是鞍。Ren shi yishang, ma shi an.
(まず)隗より始めよ。Practice what you preach.爾会到処宣揚鼓吹。先従隗始。Ni hui dao chu xuan yang guchui. Xian cong wei shi.
待てば海路の日和あり。Everything comes to him who waits.安心等待必有好処。Anxin deng dai bi you haochu.
満面の笑み。All smiles. Full smile.満面春風。Man3 mian4 chun1 feng1.
*** Mi *************戻る/Return to Top
ミイラ取りがミイラになる。The biter is sometimes bitten.騙人者有時反被人騙。Pian ren zhe youshi fan bei ren pian.
身から出た錆。You have to reap what you have sown.種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆。Zhong gua de gua, zhong tou de tou.
水清ければ魚棲まず。When the water is very clear,there will be no fish.水清無魚。水至清則無魚。Shui3 qing1 wu2 yu2. Shui zhi qing ze wu yu.
水を得た魚。Like a duck to water.如魚得水。Ru2 yu2 de2 shui3.
三つ子の魂百まで。As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.三歳看大,七歳看老。san1sui4kan4da4,qi1sui4kan4lao3。
身の程を知れ。Cut your coat according to your cloth.量布裁衣。Liang bu cai yi.
*** Mu *************戻る/Return to Top
無知は幸福。知らぬが仏。Ignorance is bliss.无知是福。不知道真相有時反而比較好。Wuzhi shi fu. Bu zhidao zhen xiang youshi fan er bijiao hao.
昔取った杵柄。You never forget your own trade.老本事、老手芸、老行当。lao3ben3shi0、lao3shou3yi4、lao3hang2dang0。
無理が通れば道理が引っ込む。Might makes right.強権造成公理。Qiang quan zao cheng gongli.
*** Me *************戻る/Return to Top
滅私奉公。Selfless devotion.克己奉公。Ke4 ji3 feng4 gong1.
目には目を、歯には歯を。An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.以眼還眼,以牙還牙。Yi yan huan yan, yi ya huan ya.
目は心の窓である。The eye is the window of the soul.眼睛是心霊的窗口。Yan jing shi xin ling de chuang kou.
目は口ほどにものを言う。The heart's letter is read in the eyes.眼睛是心霊的窗戸。Yan jing shi xin ling de chuang hu.
*** Mo *************戻る/Return to Top
門前の小僧習わぬ経を読む。A saint's maid quotes Latin.耳濡目染,不学自会。er3ru2mu4ran3,bu4xue2zi4hui4。
餅は餅屋。Every man does his own business best.犬守夜,鶏司晨。Quan shou ye, ji si chen.
元の鞘に収まる。Old love is renewed again.言帰于好。yan2gui1yu2hao3。
*** Y *******************
*** Ya *************戻る/Return to Top
病は気から。Care killed a cat.憂慮傷身。Youlv shang shen.
火傷した子は火を怖がる。A burnt child fears the fire.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井縄。Yi zhao bei she yao, shi nian pa jing sheng.
焼け石に水。To cast water into the Thames.滄海一粟。Cang1 hai3 yi1 su4.
安物買いの銭失い。Ill ware is never cheap.劣貨从来不便宜。Lie huo cong lai bu pian yi.
柳の下にはいつもドジョウはいない。A fox is not caught twice in the same snare.一頭狐狸不会両次掉到同一个陷穽里。Yi tou huli bu hui liang ci diao dao tongyi xian jing li.
*** Yu *************戻る/Return to Top
指折りである。(一、二に数えられる)数一数二。Shu3 yi1 shu3 er4.
油断大敵。Security is the greatest enemy.疏忽是最大的敵人。Shu hu shi zui da de de diren.
雄弁は銀、沈黙は金。Speech is silver, silence is gold.能言是銀、寡黙是金。Neng yan shi yin, chen mo shi jin.
*** Yo *************戻る/Return to Top
よく学び、よく遊べ。All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只工作,不玩要,聡明孩子也変*。Zhi gongzuo, buwanyao, congming haizi ye bian sha.
A世の辛酸をなめる。@風に吹かれ雨に打たれる。風吹雨打。Feng1 chui1 yu3 da3.
羊頭狗肉。After praising the wine they sell us vinegar.挂羊頭売狗肉。Gua4 yang2 tou2 mai4 gou3 rou4.
寄らば大樹の陰。When you take shelter, make sure you go under a big tree.
四十にして迷わず。Life begins at forty.四十不惑。Si shi bu huo.
*** R *******************
*** Ra *************戻る/Return to Top
来年のことをいえば鬼が笑う。Next year is the devil's joke.明年的算盤打得太早。ming2nian2de0suan4pan0da3de2tai4zao3。
楽あれば苦在り。Pleasure is the source of pain.幸福是痛苦的根源。楽中必有苦。苦中有楽、楽中有苦。Xingfu shi tongku de gen yuan. Le zhong bi you ku. Ku zhong you le, le zhong you ku.
*** Ri *************戻る/Return to Top
竜頭蛇尾。Going up like a rocket and coming down like a stick.龍頭蛇尾。Long tou she wei.
良薬口に苦し。A good medicine tastes bitter.良薬苦口。Liangyao kukou.
量より質。質は量にまさる。Quality matters more than quantity.質重于量。Zhi zhongyu liang.
臨機応変。Adaptation to circoomstance.随機応変。臨機応変。Lin ji ying bian. Sui2 ji1 ying4 bian4.
*** Ru *************戻る/Return to Top
類は友を呼ぶ。Birds of a feather flock together.物以類聚,人以群分。Wu yi lei ju, ren yi qun fen.
*** Re *************戻る/Return to Top
歴史は繰り返す。History repeats itself.歴史往往重演。Lishi wang wang chong yan.
例外のないルールはない。There is no rule without exceptions.規則的制定是為了打破它。没有无例外的規則。Guize de zhiding shi weille dapo ta. Meiyou wu liwai de guize.
*** Ro *************戻る/Return to Top
ローマは一日にしてならず。Rome was not built in a day.冰凍三尺,非一日之寒。夢馬不是一天建成的。Bingdong san zhi, fei yi ri zhi han. Luoma bushi yi tian jiancheng de.
論より証拠。To see is to believe.眼見為凭。百聞不如一見。Yan jian wei ping. Bai wen bu ru yi jian.
*** W *******************
*** Wa *************戻る/Return to Top
若いうちに勉強すれば、物覚えが良い。Learn young, learn fair.学習趁年軽、学就要学好。Xuexi chen nianqing, xue jiu yao xue hao.
若いときの苦労は買ってでもせよ。Heavy work in youth is quiet rest in old age.少時辛苦,老来享福。Shao shi xinku, lao lai xiang fu.
災い転じて福となる。Good comes out of evil.轉禍為福。Zhuai huo wei fu.
渡る世間に鬼はなし。There is kindness to be found everywhere.人間処処有温情。Ren jian chuchu you wen qing.
笑う門には福来る。Fortune comes in by a merry gate.幸運籤餅。Xingyun qian bin.
悪い噂はすぐに伝わる。Bad news travels quickly.坏事傳千里。Huaishi chuan qian li.
笑いは百薬の長。Laughter is the best medicine.開懐大笑是一剤良薬。Kai huai da xiao shi yi ji liang yao.

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