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Flower 1 "Hana"
Copyright © 1997-2015 Ted Taamchai

Spring These flowers are seen anywhere, at home gardens, in parks, at roads, in farms, in mountains etc. in each season in Japan.
The flower names are also shown in Japanese. If Japanese language and fonts are not installed in your computer, it may be changed not to recognize.

Flowers in Spring/March - May. (1-6)

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Family at this page:
Actinidiaceae, Aquifoliaceae, Berberidaceae, Boraginaceae, Cornaceae, Leguminosae (Fabaceae), Magnoliaceae, Myricaceae, Oleaceae, Pinaceae, Rutaceae

Kiwifruit, Chinese Gooseberry "Kiwi":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Actinidia chinensis/ Actinidiaceae
Language of Flower: Jocular
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キウイ(またはキーウィー、キーウィ、キウィ)、オニマタタビ/マタタビ科マタタビ属
Kiwi Kiwi
 Photo:May 16, 2007(Left),May 23, 2007(Right).
arrow Kiwifruit, Chinese Gooseberry "Kiwi"-Autumn

Japanese Red Pine, Red Pine "Akamatsu":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Pinus densiflora/ Pinaceae
Language of Flower: Digity, Grace
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アカマツ(赤松)、メマツ(雌松)、オンナマツ(女松)/マツ科マツ属
Akamatsu Akamatsu
 Photo:May 6, 2008(Left, Right).

Akamatsu Akamatsu
 Photo:May 6, 2008(Left, Right).
Left:Male, Left:Female.
 Photo:May 6, 2008(Left, Right).

Golden Mimosa Tree, Mimosa, Cootamundra Wattle "Ginyou-Akashia":February-March,
Botanical Name/ Family : Acacia baileyana/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Chinese Name : 貝利氏相思/ bei4li4shi4xiang1si1, 銀葉相思樹/ yin2ye4xiang1si1shu4
Language of Flower: Friendship, Secret Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ギンヨウアカシア(銀葉アカシア)、ミモザ,ハナアカシア(花アカシア)/マメ科アカシア属
Ginyou-Akashia Ginyou-Akashia Ginyou-Akashia
 Photo:March 13, 2007(Left),March 5, 2007(Center, Right).
 Photo:March 9, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Flower of The Month

Garden Pea "Endou":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Pisum sativum L./ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Continuous Joy, Everlasting Sadness, Promise
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :エンドウ(豌豆)/マメ科エンドウ属
Endou Endou Endou
 Photo:April 21, 2006(Left, Center), May 17, 2006(Right-Seeds).
Endou Endou
 Photo:May 4, 2006(Left, Right).

Broad Bean, Horsebean "Soramame, Natsumame":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Vicia faba/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Longing
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ソラマメ(空豆、蚕豆)、ナツマメ(夏豆)/マメ科ソラマメ属
Soramame Soramame Soramame
 Photo:April 30, 2006(Left), May 1, 2006(Center).

Bush Vetch "Karasu-no-Endou":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Vicia angustifolia/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : 窄葉野豌豆/ zhai3ye4ye3wan1dou4
Language of Flower: Tie, Little Lover, Lastng Grief, Good News
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カラスノエンドウ(烏の豌豆)、ヤハズエンドウ(矢筈豌豆)/マメ科ソラマメ属
Karasu-no-Endou Karasu-no-Endou
 Photo:April 14, 2006(Left), May 7, 2000(Right).

White Bush Vetch "Shirobana-Yahazu-Endou":March-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Vicia angustifolia L. var. segetailis/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : -
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シロバナヤハズエンドウ(白花矢筈豌豆)、シロバナカラスノエンドウ(白花烏の豌豆)/マメ科ソラマメ属
Shirobana-Yahazu-Endou Shirobana-Yahazu-Endou
 Photo:April 30, 2012.
 Photo:April 30, 2012

Hairy Tare, Tiny Vetch "Suzume-no-Endou":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Vicia hirsuta/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : 小巣菜/ xiao3chao2cai4
Language of Flower: Walk hand in hand
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :スズメノエンドウ(雀野豌豆)/マメ科ソラマメ属
Suzume-no-Endou Suzume-no-Endou
 Photo:April 19, 2009(Left,Right).
 Photo:April 19, 2009.

Bird's Foot Trefoil "Miyakogusa":April-October,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : 光葉百脈根/ guang1ye4bai3mai4gen1, 百脈根/ bai3mai4gen1
Language of Flower:Until see you again
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ミヤコグサ(都草)、エボシグサ(烏帽子草)/マメ科ミヤコグサ属
Miyakogusa Miyakogusa Miyakogusa
 Photo:May 23, 2009(Left - Right).
 Photo:May 23, 2009.
arrow Flower of The Month

Sea Pea, Beach Pea, Circumpolar Pea "Hama-Endou":April-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lathyrus japonicus/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : 海濱山黎豆/ hai3bin1shan1li2dou4, 海邊香豌豆/ hai3bian1xiang1wan1dou4
Language of Flower:Please see unique personality like no other
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハマエンドウ(浜豌豆)/マメ科レンリンソウ属
Hama-Endou Hama-Endou Hama-Endou
 Photo:Hasunuma,Chiba, May 4, 2009(Left - Right).

Wisteria "Fuji":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Wisteria/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Welcome, be intoxicated by love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :フジ(藤)/マメ科フジ属
Fuji Fuji
 Photo:May 3, 1999(Left), April 24, 2006(Right).

Broom "Enishida":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cytisus/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Moderation, Cleanness
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :エニシダ(金雀枝)/マメ科エニシダ属
Enishida Enishida
 Photo:April 29,2007(Left), April 30,2006(Right).
 Photo:April 26,2007.

Coral Tree, Lenten Tree, Tiger Claw "Deigo":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Erythrina variegata/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Dream
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :デイゴ(梯梧)、デイコ、エリスリナ/マメ科デイゴ属
Deigo Deigo
 Photo:Taken in Petelng Jaya, Malaysia, February 17, 2001(Left, Right).

 [Reference] Ceibo, Seibo, Bucare, Coral Tree "Amerika-Deigo"

Clover, White clover "Shiro-Tsumekusa":May-October,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trifolium repens/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Revenge,think me
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :クローバー、シロツメクサ(白詰草)/マメ科シャジクソウ属(トリフォリウム属)
Clover Clover Clover
 Photo:May 2, 2007(Left, Center, Right).

Red clover, Peavine clover, Cowgrass "Murasaki-Tsumekusa, Aka-Tsumekusa":May-October,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trifolium pratense/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Revenge,hard work,steady,honest
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ムラサキツメクサ(紫詰草)、アカツメクサ(赤詰草)/マメ科シャジクソウ属(トリフォリウム属)
Clover Clover Clover
 Photo:May 2, 2007(Left, Center, Right).

Small Hop-clover, Suckling Clover, Least Hop Trefoil, Least Hop Clover "Kometsubu-Tsumekusa, Kibana-Tsumekusa":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trifolium dubium/ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :コメツブツメクサ(米粒詰め草)、キバナツメクサ(黄花詰め草)、コゴメツメクサ(米粒詰草)/マメ科シャジクソウ属(トリフォリウム属)
Kometsubu-Tsumekusa Kometsubu-Tsumekusa
 Photo:April 24, 2007(Left, Right).

Chinese Milk Vetch "Renge-Sou":April-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Astragalus sinicus/ Fabaceae
Chinese Name : 紫雲英/ zi3yun2ying1、紅花草子/ hong2hua1cao3zi3
Language of Flower:You are happy, Eased up, My happiness, Influence
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :レンゲソウ(蓮華草)、ゲンゲ(紫雲英)/マメ科ゲンゲ属
renge-sou renge-sou
 Photo:April 19, 2009(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 19, 2009.

Black Locust, False Acacia "Hari-Enju":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Robinia pseudoacacia L./ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Language of Flower: Friendship
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハリエンジュ(針槐)、ニセアカシア(偽アカシア)/マメ科ハリエンジュ属
Hari-Enju Hari-Enju
 Taken in Dalian, China on June 8,1999.
Chinese name :Hari-Enju,Hari-Enju.
[for Ref.]
Japanese Padoda Tree, Chinese Scholar Tree/Sophora japonica
  Japanese name : Enju, Akasia
  Chinese name :Enju,Enju

Hari-Enju Hari-Enju
 Photo:May 8, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:May 8, 2007.

Satsuma Mandarin, Satsuma Orange "Unshu-Mikan":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Citrus unshiu Marc/ Rutaceae
Language of Flower: Pure
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ウンシュウミカン(温州蜜柑)、ミカン(蜜柑)/ミカン科ミカン属
Unshu-Mikan Unshu-Mikan
 Photo:May 16, 2007(Left, Right). arrow Satsuma Mandarin, Satsuma Orange "Unshu-Mikan"-Autumn

Flowering Dogwood "Hanamizuki":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Benthamidia florida/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Receive my mind
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハナミズキ(花水木)、アメリカン・ヤマボウシ(アメリカン山法師)/ミズキ科ミズキ属
Hanamizuki Hanamizuki
 Photo:May 4, 2006(Right).
Hanamizuki Hanamizuki
 Photo:May 6, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:May 16, 2007.
 Photo:October 5, 2006.

Kousa, Japanese Dogwood "Yamaboushi":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Benthamidia japonica(Cornus Kousa)/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Friendship
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヤマボウシ(山法師)/ミズキ科ミズキ属
Yamaboushi Yamaboushi Yamaboushi
 Photo:May 23, 2005(Left, Center), May 16, 2007(Right).
 Photo:September 15, 2008.

Kousa, Japanese Dogwood "Beni-Yamaboushi":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cornus kousa f. rosea/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Friendship
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ベニヤマボウシ(紅山法師)/ミズキ科ミズキ属
Beni-Yamaboushi Beni-Yamaboushi Beni-Yamaboushi
 Photo:May 18, 2008(Left - Right).

Giant Dogwood, Hemsley "Mizuki":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cornus controversa/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Durability
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ミズキ(水木)/ミズキ科ミズキ属
Mizuki Mizuki Mizuki
 Photo:June 21, 2006(Left, Center, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month
 Photo:June 21, 2007.

Japanese Aucuba "Aoki":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Aucuba japonica/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Young and Beutiful
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アオキ(青木)/ミズキ科アオキ属
Aoki Aoki Aoki
 Photo:March 21, 2007(Left, Center, Right).
Aoki Aoki Aoki
 Photo:December 16, 2006(Left, Center, Right).

Japanese Cornel Dogwood, Shanzhuyu "Sanshuyu":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Cornus officinalis/ Cornaceae
Language of Flower: Continuation
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :サンシュユ(山茱萸)、ハルコガネバナ(春黄金花),アキサンゴ(秋珊瑚)、ヤマグミ(山茱萸)/ミズキ科サンシュユ属
Sanshuyu Sanshuyu
 Photo:March 5, 2007(Left, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month
Sanshuyu Sanshuyu
 Photo:April 6, 2007(Left),April 18, 2007(Right).
Sanshuyu Sanshuyu
 Photo:November 22, 2006(Left, Right).

Cucumber Herb "Kyurigusa":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Trigonotis peduncularis/ Boraginaceae
Language of Flower: Dearest heart
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キュウリグサ(胡瓜草)/ムラサキ科キュウリグサ属
Kyurigusa Kyurigusa Kyurigusa
 Photo:April 29, 2008(Left, Center, Right).
 Photo:April 29, 2008.

Comfrey "Konfuri":May-July,
Botanical Name/ Family : Symphytum officinale L./ Boraginaceae
Language of Flower: Effort
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :コンフリー、ヒレハリソウ(鰭玻璃草)/ムラサキ科ヒレハリソウ属
Comfrey Comfrey
 Photo:May 3, 2006(Left, Right).

Gentian Blue Gromwell "Hotarukazura":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Lithospermum zollingeri / Boraginaceae
Chinese Name : 梓木草/ zi3mu4cao3
Language of Flower: High-minded, Attempt
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ホタルカズラ(蛍葛)/ムラサキ科ムラサキ属
Hotarukazura Hotarukazura
 Photo:May 9, 2015(Left, Right).

Hotarukazura Hotarukazura
 Photo:May 9, 2015(Left, Right).

Hotarukazura Hotarukazura
 Photo:May 11, 2015(Left, Right).

Forget-me-not "Wasurenagusa":April-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Myosotis scorpioides/ Boraginaceae
Language of Flower: Don't forget me
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ワスレナグサ(忘れな草、勿忘草)/ムラサキ科ワスレナグサ属
Wasurenagusa Wasurenagusa

Japanese Mahonia "Hiiragi-Nanten":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Mahonia japonica/ Berberidaceae
Language of Flower: Intense Feeling
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name ヒイラギナンテン(柊南天)、トウナンテン(唐南天)/メギ科ヒイラギナンテン属
Hiiragi-Nanten Hiiragi-Nanten Hiiragi-Nanten
 Photo:February 5,2007(Left), March 21,2007(Center, Right).
Hiiragi-Nanten Hiiragi-Nanten Hiiragi-Nanten
 Photo:March 22,2007(Left, Center), April 13,2007(Right).
 Photo:May 16, 2008.

Primrose Jusmin "Unnan-Oubai":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Jasminum mesnyi/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: Favor
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ウンナンオウバイ(雲南黄梅)、オウバイモドキ(黄梅擬)/モクセイ科ソケイ属
Unnan-Oubai Unnan-Oubai Unnan-Oubai
Photo:April 5, 2008(Left, Right), March 30, 2008(center).
arrow Winter Jasmin "Oubai"-Winter
Unnan-Oubai Unnan-Oubai
Photo:April 5, 2008(Right, Left).

Golden Bell "Rengyo":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Forsythia suspensa/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: Hope
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :レンギョウ(連翹)/モクセイ科レンギョウ属
Rengyou Rengyou
 Photo:March 30, 2006(Left, Right).

Golden Bell "Shina-Rengyou":March-May,
Botanical Name/ Family : Forsythia viridissima/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: Hope
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シナレンギョウ(支那連翹)/モクセイ科レンギョウ属
Shina-Rengyou Shina-Rengyou
 Photo:Marchi 30, 2008(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 5, 2008.

Border privet "Ibotanoki":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ligustrum obtusifolium Sieb. et Zucc./ Oleaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :イボタノキ(水臘の木)/モクセイ科イボタノキ属
Ibotanoki Ibotanoki

Japanese Privet "Nezumimochi":May-June,
Botanical Name/ Family : Ligustrum japonicum/ Oleaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ネズミモチ(鼠黐)、タマツバキ(珠椿),ネズミノフン(鼠の糞),ネズミノコマクラ(鼠の小枕)/モクセイ科イボタノキ属
Nezumimochi Nezumimochi
arrow Japanese Privet "Nezumimochi"-Winter
arrow Grossy Privet,Chinese Privet "Tou-Nezumimochi"-Summer

arrow (2) ネズミモチ(鼠糯)とトウネズミモチ(唐鼠黐、塔鼠黐)

Japanese magnolia, Lily magnolia, Mulan magnolia, Tulip magnolia Woody Orchid, Magnolia "Mokuren":March-April,
Botanical Name : Magnolia quinquepeta, Magnolia liliiflora/ Magnoliaceae
Language of Flower: Natural Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name/ Family :モクレン(木蓮)、シモクレン(紫木蓮)/モクレン科モクレン属
Mokuren Mokuren
 Photo:April 21, 2006(Left, Right).

Magnolia heptapeta, Magnolia denudata, Yulan magnolia, (Lily) Magnolia "Haku-Mokuren":March-April,
Botanical Name/ Family : Magnolia denudata/ Magnoliaceae
Language of Flower: Natural Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハクモクレン(白木蓮)/モクレン科モクレン属
Haku-Mokuren Haku-Mokuren
 Photo:March 25, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:March 30, 2008.
arrow Kobus Magnolia, Kobushi "Kobushi"-Winter(コブシ(拳、辛夷))
Haku-Mokuren Haku-Mokuren
 Photo:March 8, 2007(Left, Right).
 Photo:April 26, 2007.

Mochi Tree "Mochinoki":April,
Botanical Name : Ilex integra/ Aquifoliaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name/ Family :モチノキ(黐の木)/モチノキ科モチノキ属
Mochinoki Mochinoki Mochinoki
 Photo:April 13, 2007(Left, Center, Right).

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Note:The flowering season of the flowers and the language of the flowers
are mainly based on "No-no-Hana.Machi-no-Hana"(Koudansha).

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