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Flower 3 "Hana"
Copyright © 1997-2012 Ted Taamchai

Autumn These flowers are seen anywhere, at home gardens, in parks, at roads, in farms, in mountains etc. in each season in Japan.
The flower names are also shown in Japanese. If Japanese language and fonts are not installed in your computer, it may be changed not to recognize.

Flowers in Autumn/September - November.(3-1)

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Family at this page:
Aceraceae, Anacardiaceae, Campanulaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Cyperaceae, Ebenaceae, Ginkgoaceae, Malvaceae, Poaceae (Gramineae), Rubiaceae, Taxaceae, Valerianaceae

Rose of Sharon "Mukuge":July-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Hibiscus syriacus/ Malvaceae
Language of Flower: Respect, Gentle
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ムクゲ(木槿)/アオイ科フヨウ属
Mukuge Mukuge Mukuge
 Photo:September 15, 1997(Left, Center, Right).
arrow Rose of Sharon "Mukuge"-Summer

Cotten, Tree Cotten "Wata":Fruiting: August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Gossypium arboreum/ Malvaceae
Chinese Name : 樹錦/ shu4jin3
Language of Flower: Excellence, Delicacy
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ワタ(綿)/アオイ科ワタ属
Wata Wata
 Photo:November 24,2009(Left - Right).
 Photo:November 24,2009.

Madder "Akane":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Rubia argyi/ Rubiaceae
Language of Flower: Think of me, Flattery, Slander
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アカネ(茜)/アカネ科アカネ属
Akane Akane Akane
 Photo:October 8, 2007(Left, Center, Right).

Three-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine "Mitsuba-Akebi":Fruiting/September-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Akebia trifoliata/ Lardizabalaceae
Language of Flower: Talent, the Only Love
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ミツバアケビ(三葉通草、三葉木通)/アケビ科アケビ属
Mitsuba-Akebi Mitsuba-Akebi
 Photo:October 13, 2007(Left, Right).
arrow Three-leaf Akebia, Chocolate Vine "Mitsuba-Akebi"-Spring
 Photo:October 13, 2007.

Japanese Yew "Ichii":(Fruiting)September-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Taxus cuspidata/ Taxaceae
Language of Flower: Loftiness, Sad, Regret, Comfort
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :イチイ(一位, 櫟)、アララギ, オンコ/イチイ科イチイ属
Ichii Ichii
 Photo:November 17, 2006(Left, Right).
arrow Japanese Yew "Ichii"-Spring

Gingko, Maidenhair Tree "Ichou":(Fruiting)Autumn,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Ginkgo biloba L/ Ginkgoaceae
Language of Flower: Poetic love, Polite, Solemn, Long life, Repose of Souls
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :イチョウ(銀杏、公孫樹)/イチョウ科イチョウ属
Ichou Ichou
 Photo:October 8, 2006.

arrow Gingko, Maidenhair Tree "Ichou"-Spring
Ichou Ichou
 Photo:November 29, 2006(Left, Right).

Japanese Silver Grass, Maiden Grass "Susuki":July-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Miscanthus sinensis/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Vitality, Understand each other, Retirement
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ススキ(薄、芒)、オバナ(尾花),カヤ(萱)/イネ科ススキ属
 Photo:October 25, 2005.

[Notes]: The Seven Autumn Flowers in Japan "秋の七草"
JapaneseEnglishScientific Name/ Family
Hagi/ 萩(はぎ)Bush Cloverarrow Lespedeza spp./ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Obana/ 尾花(おばな)Maiden Grass, Japanese Silver Grassarrow Miscanthus sinensis/ Gramineae
Kuzu/ 葛(くず)Japanese Arrowroot, Kudzuarrow Pueraria lobata/ Leguminosae
Nadeshiko /撫子(なでしこ)Fringed Pink, Superbus Pink, Large Pink, Wild Pinkarrow Dianthus superbus var.longicalycinus/ Caryophyllaceae
Ominaeshi/ 女郎花(おみなえし)Scabious Patrinia, Golden Valerian, Golden Lacearrow Patrinia scabiosaefolia/ Valerianaceae
Fujibakama/ 藤袴(ふじばかま)Joe-Pye weed, Thoroughwort, Boneset, Agueweedarrow Eupatorium fortunei(Eupatorium japonicum)/ Asteraceae
Kikyo/ 桔梗(ききょう)Balloon Flowerarrow Platycodon grandiflorum/ Campanulaceae

Green Bristle Grass, Green Foxtail "Enokorogusa":August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Setaria viridus(Setaria viridis P. Beauv.)/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Play
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :エノコログサ(狗尾草)、ネコジャラシ(猫じゃらし)/イネ科エノコログサ属
Enokorogusa Enokorogusa
 Photo:August 25, 2006(Left, Right).

 Photo: Kotsubu-Kinenokorogusa, Kin-Enokorogusa, Enokorogusa, MurasakiEnokorogusa, Chikara-Shiba(from left to right).

(Violet) Bristle Grass, (Violet) Foxtail "Murasaki-Enokorogusa":August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Setaria viridis form. misera/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Play
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ムラサキエノコログサ(紫狗尾草)/イネ科エノコログサ属
Murasaki-Enokorogusa Murasaki-Enokorogusa
 Photo:September 15, 2006(Left, Right).

Yellow Foxtail "Kin-Enokoro":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Setaria glauca/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :キンエノコロ(金狗尾)/イネ科エノコログサ属
Kin-Enokoro Kin-Enokoro
 Photo:September 9, 2006(Left, Right).

Cattail Grass, Yellow Bristle Grass "Kotsubu-Kinenokorogusa":August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Setaria pallide-fusca(Setaria pumila - (Poir.)Roem.&Schult.)/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family Name :コツブキンエノコログサ(小粒金狗尾草)/イネ科エノコログサ属
Kotsubu-Kinenokorogusa Kotsubu-Kinenokorogusa
 Photo:September 1, 2006(Left, Right).

Swamp Foxtail, Fountain Grass "Chikarashiba":August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Pennisetum alopecuroides/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Chinese Name : 狼尾草/ lang2wei3cao3, 戻草/ li4cao3、光明草/ guang1ming2cao3
Language of Flower: Change of heart in love, Respect
Japanese Name & Family Name :チカラシバ(力芝)、ミチシバ(路芝)/イネ科チカラシバ属
Chikarashiba Chikarashiba
 Photo:September 9, 2006(Left, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month

Johnson Grass "Seiban-Morokoshi":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Sorghum halepense var. pinquum/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :セイバンモロコシ(西播蜀黍)/イネ科モロコシ属
Seiban-Morokoshi Seiban-Morokoshi
 Photo:September 18, 2006(Left, Right).
Seiban-Morokoshi Seiban-Morokoshi
 Photo:September 18, 2006(Left, Right).

Job's Tears "Juzudama":July-September,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Coix lacryma-jobi/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Pray, Favour, Will of Acomplishment
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ジュズダマ(数珠玉)/イネ科ジュズダマ属
Juzudama Juzudama
 Photo:August 12, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:September 10, 2006.

Job's Tears "Hatomugi":July-September,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ハトムギ(鳩麦)/イネ科ジュズダマ属
Hatomugi Hatomugi
 Photo:August 12, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:September 9, 2006.

Common Reed "Ashi":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Phragmites australis/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Deep Love, Music
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アシ(葦・蘆・芦)、ヨシ(蘆)/イネ科ヨシ属
Ashi Ashi Ashi
 Photo:October 25, 2006(Left), November 1, 2006(Center, Right).

Pampas Grass, Uruguayan Pampas Grass "Shiroganeyoshi, Panpasugurasu":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cortaderia selloana/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: Brilliance, Popular, Time
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :シロガネヨシ(白銀葭)、パンパスグラス/イネ科シロガネヨシ属(コルタデリア属)
Shiroganeyoshi Shiroganeyoshi
 Photo:August 30, 2006(Left, Right).

Wavyleaf Basketgrass "Chijimizasa":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Oplismenus undulatifolius/ Poaceae (Gramineae)
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :チヂミザサ(縮み笹)、ケチヂミザサ(毛縮み笹)、コチヂミザサ(小縮み笹)/イネ科チヂミザサ属
Chijimizasa Chijimizasa Chijimizasa
 Photo:September 16, 2006(Left, Right).
 Photo:September 16, 2006.

Japanese Snake Gourd, Snake Gourd "Karasu-Uri":(Fruiting)August-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Trichosanthes cucumeroides/ Cucurbitaceae
Language of Flower: Good News, Good Faith
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カラスウリ(烏瓜)/ウリ科カラスウリ属
Karasu-Uri Karasu-Uri
 Photo:August 27, 2006()Left, October 19, 2006(Right).
arrow Japanese Snake Gourd, Snake Gourd "Karasu-Uri"-Summer

Oneseed Burr Cucumber, Bur Cucumber "Arechi-Uri":August-September,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Sicyos angulatus L/ Cucurbitaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アレチウリ(荒地瓜)/ウリ科アレチウリ属
Arechi-Uri Arechi-Uri Arechi-Uri
 Photo:September 11, 2006(Left, Center), October 5, 2006(Right).

Nurude Sumac "Nurude":August-September,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Rhus javanica/ Anacardiaceae
Language of Flower: Faith
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヌルデ(白膠木)、フシノキ(付子の木)、カチノキ(カツノキ)(勝の木)/ウルシ科ヌルデ属
Nurude Nurude Nurude
 Photo:September 15, 2008(Left-Right).
 Photo:September 15, 2008.

Scabious Patrinia, Golden Valerian, Golden Lace "Ominaeshi":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Patrinia scabiosaefolia/ Valerianaceae
Language of Flower: Beuty, Kindness, Patience
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :オミナエシ(女郎花)、アワバナ(粟花)、オミナメシ/オミナエシ科オミナエシ属
Ominaeshi Ominaeshi Ominaeshi
 Photo:August 6, 2000(Left, Right).
 Photo:August 6, 2000.

[Notes]: The Seven Autumn Flowers in Japan "秋の七草"
JapaneseEnglishScientific Name/ Family
Hagi/ 萩(はぎ)Bush Cloverarrow Lespedeza spp./ Leguminosae (Fabaceae)
Obana/ 尾花(おばな)Maiden Grass, Japanese Silver Grassarrow Miscanthus sinensis/ Gramineae
Kuzu/ 葛(くず)Japanese Arrowroot, Kudzuarrow Pueraria lobata/ Leguminosae
Nadeshiko /撫子(なでしこ)Fringed Pink, Superbus Pink, Large Pink, Wild Pinkarrow Dianthus superbus var.longicalycinus/ Caryophyllaceae
Ominaeshi/ 女郎花(おみなえし)Scabious Patrinia, Golden Valerian, Golden Lacearrow Patrinia scabiosaefolia/ Valerianaceae
Fujibakama/ 藤袴(ふじばかま)Joe-Pye weed, Thoroughwort, Boneset, Agueweedarrow Eupatorium fortunei(Eupatorium japonicum)/ Asteraceae
Kikyo/ 桔梗(ききょう)Balloon Flowerarrow Platycodon grandiflorum/ Campanulaceae

Japanese Maple "Iroha-Momiji":(Foliage Season)October-January,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Acer palmatum/ Aceraceae
Chinese Name : :鶏爪槭/ ji1zhao3qi4、日本楓/ ri4ben3feng1
Language of Flower: Modesty, Self-control, Significant Memory, Treasure
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :イロハモミジ(以呂波紅葉、伊呂波楓)、カエデ(楓)、モミジ(紅葉)/カエデ科カエデ属
Iroha-Momiji Iroha-Momiji Iroha-Momiji
 Photo:November 26, 2006(Left, Center, Right).
arrow Japanese Maple "Iroha-Momiji"-Spring
arrow Flower of The Month1
arrow Flower of The Month2

Persimmon "Kaki":October-November,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Diospyros kaki/ Ebenaceae
Language of Flower: Natural Beuty, Elegance
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カキ(柿)/カキノキ科カキノキ属
Kaki Kaki
 Photo:October 15, 2000(Left), November 3, 2005(Right).
arrow Persimmon "Kaki"-Spring

Asian Flatsedge "Kayatsurigusa":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus microiria/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower: Tradition
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :カヤツリグサ(蚊帳吊草)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Kayatsurigusa Kayatsurigusa Kayatsurigusa
 Photo:August 21, 2006(Left, Center, Right).
 arrow Flower of the Month

Grasshopper's Cyperus, Rice Flat Sedge, Ricefield Flatsedge, Umbrella Sedge "kogome-Gayatsuri":July-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus iria/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :コゴメガヤツリ(小米蚊帳吊)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Kogome-Gayatsuri Kogome-Gayatsuri
 Photo:August 1, 2006(Left, Right).

Globe Sedge, Flat Sedge "Aze-Gayatsuri":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus globosus All(Cyperus flavidus Retz.)/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :アゼガヤツリ(畦蚊帳吊)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Aze-Gayatsuri Aze-Gayatsuri
 Photo:August 13, 2006(Left, Right).

- "Yumenoshima-Gayatsuri":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus cogestus Vahl/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ユメノシマガヤツリ(夢の島蚊帳吊)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Yumenoshima-Gayatsuri Yumenoshima-Gayatsuri
 Photo:August 13, 2006(Left, Right).

Variable Flatsedge, Smallflower Umbrella Sedge "Tama-Gayatsuri":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus difformis/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower:
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :タマガヤツリ(玉蚊帳吊)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Tama-Gayatsuri Tama-Gayatsuri Tama-Gayatsuri
 Photo:August 21, 2006(Left, Center), September 21, 2006(Right).

- "Hime-Kugu":July-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Cyperus brevifolius var. leiolepis/ Cyperaceae
Language of Flower: -
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ヒメクグ(姫莎草)/カヤツリグサ科カヤツリグサ属
Hime-Kugu Hime-Kugu
 Photo:September 23(Left, Right).

Ladybells, Tsurigane-Ninjin "Tsurigane-Ninjin":August-October,
Botanical Name/ Family Name : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica/ Campanulaceae
Language of Flower: Gentle Love, Thank, Good Faith
Japanese Name & Family-Genus Name :ツリガネニンジン(釣り鐘人参)/キキョウ科ツリガネニンジン属
Tsurigane-Ninjin Tsurigane-Ninjin
 Photo:September 21, 2006(Right).
Tsurigane-Ninjin Tsurigane-Ninjin
 Photo:September 21, 2006(Left, Right).

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Note:The flowering season of the flowers and the language of the flowers
are based on "No-no-Hana.Machi-no-Hana"(Koudansha).

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